[译]用CSS来禁止文本选择 原文:Disable Text Selection with CSS 有些时候我们需要禁止网页的部分文本不能被选择。你可以使用user-select这个CSS特性来实现这个需求。 举例 下面是一个使用了disable-selection类的样式规则,当它作用于一个HTML元素的时候,它会让我们不能够选择这个元素。 .disable-selection{ -moz-user...
实现过程 主要参考内容:css rule to disable text selection highlighting 测试浏览器:Firefox, Chrome, IE9 HTML测试代码: <!DOCTYPE HTML>Code LineNumber Copy Test.cnblogs_code{background-color:#F5F5F5;font-family:Courier New;font-size:12px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding:5px;overflow:auto;}.code...
A guide on using CSS user-select to disable the ability to copy information of your website. As well as the ability to enable it where needed.
移动端一般body的css、会设置 作用就不解释了;body{ height:100%;min-height:100%; font-family: "微软雅黑",'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,tahoma,arial,sans-serif; text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiase IOS 禁止选中文案 css ...
-ms-user-select: text !important; Css override disable text selection, The solution. Please check out the jsfiddle link below for a working example. HTML Unselectable/Selectable You can't select Tags: paste text from div element inside an anchor elementcss can t user select textselect the te...
ondragstart="return false" onbeforecopy="return false" oncopy=document.selection.empty() onselect=document.selection.empty()> 防止复制的js <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> function disableselect(e){ return false} function reEnable(){return true ...
::selectionuser-select When is it OK to Disable Text Selection? Using CSS, it’s possible to prevent users from selecting text within an element usinguser-select: none. Now, it’s understandable why doing so might be considered “controversial”. I mean,shouldwe be disabling standard user be...
":disable" —— 选择每个禁用的该标签 ":checked" —— 选择每个被选中的该标签 ":focus" —— 选择每个获得焦点的该标签 ":first-of-type" —— 选择该种标签是其父元素的第一个 例如:p:first-of-type,则会选择到p标签元素是其父元素的第一个的p标签元素 ...
// html// cssinput:enabled{background:red;}input:disabled{background:blue;}input:focus{background:yellow;} 效果如下: 效果.gif 从上面的效果大概可以看出来enable、disable、focus的作用,我这里就不多加赘述了。 最后关于checked,我就用一个简单的demo来表现他们...
Disable onClick for row in 1 cell disable or ignore mousedown in textarea Disable parent page refresh when closing child window using Javascript disable parent window when child window is being open Disable radio button after selection Disable Resizing of new popup windows disable the controls in ...