<ulclass="custom-list"><li>列表项1</li><li>列表项2</li><li>列表项3</li></ul> 我们可以使用以下CSS代码来自定义项目符号: /* 移除默认的项目符号 */.custom-list{list-style-type:none;}/* 使用伪元素和content属性添加自定义文本 */.custom-listli::before{content:"自定义符号 ";color:#333...
list-style-type: none; float: left; margin-left:20px; font-size:16px; } body{ font-size:12px; } a{ text-decoration: none; } /* 文章列表 */ .day{ width:100%; float: left; margin-top:10px; } .daydiv{ /* width: 200px; */ float: left; } .postTitle{ width:300px; } ....
list-style-type:trad-chinese-formal;# 中国传统的正式数字/* <string> value */list-style-type:"-";# 指定的字符串将用作项目的标记。 list-style-type:"\1F44D";/* Identifier matching an @counter-style rule(值得学习)*/list-style-type:custom-counter-style;/* Keyword value */list-style-type...
1 自定义列表样式 ul.custom-list { list-style-type : square; } 2 盒模型和布局 .content-box { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 20px; margin: 10px 0; } 响应式设计 在设计CSS样式时,考虑响应式设计可以确保文档在不同设备上都能良好显示。 @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { body {...
为避免歧义,各个属性对应的<custom-ident> 禁止使用以下特殊值: animation-name: 禁用CSS 关键字unset,initial,inherit,none。 counter-reset、counter-increment: 禁止使用unset,initial,inherit,none. @counter-style、list-style-type: 禁止使用unset,initial,inherit,none,inline,outside. ...
list-style-type:cjk-ideographic;list-style-type:kannada;/* A <string> */list-style-type:'-';/* Identifier matching an @counter-style rule */list-style-type:custom-counter-style;list-style-type:none;/* Global values */list-style-type:inherit;list-style-type:initial;list-style-type:unset...
创建列表(List) 创建网格(Grid/GridItem) 创建轮播(Swiper) 改善布局性能 添加组件 添加常用组件 按钮(Button) 单选框(Radio) 切换按钮(Toggle) 进度条(Progress) 文本显示(Text/Span) 文本输入(TextInput/TextArea) 自定义弹窗(CustomDialog) 视频播放(Video) XComponent 添加气泡和...
The list-style-type CSS property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.
Youtube – HTML & CSS for Beginners Part 17: How to Create and Style HTML Lists Youtube – Styling your list-items just got so much easier with this pseudo-element! Youtube – Next-Level List Bullets With CSS ::marker Custom bullets with CSS ::marker ...
fontA shorthand property for thefont-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size/line-height, and thefont-familyproperties @font-faceSpecifies a custom font to use to display text font-familySpecifies the font family for text font-feature-settingsAllows control over advanced typographic features in...