使用clip-path: polygon(...)创建一个六边形。 使用border-radius: 20px为元素添加圆角。 伪元素::before: 创建一个伪元素,覆盖在.polygon元素上。 使用border属性为伪元素添加边框。 使用border-radius: 30px为伪元素添加圆角。 使用clip-path: polygon(...)为伪元素创建一个六边形裁剪路径。
.clip-me{/* referencing path from an inline SVG */clip-path:url(#c1);/* referencing path from external SVG */clip-path:url(path.svg#c1);/* polygon */clip-path:polygon(5%5%,100%0%,100%75%,75%75%,75%100%,50%75%,0%75%);/* circle */clip-path:circle(30pxat35px35px);/*...
Creating notched corners with clip-path The clip-path property determines what region to show in an element. You can use it with the polygon() function to create a notched corner (or anything else with complex values). Let’s apply this to our rectangle from before: div { position: relati...
The border-image-source property specifies the path to the image to be used as a border border-image-source: none|image|initial|inherit; 3>border-image-slice The border-image-slice property specifies how to slice the image. The image is always sliced into nine sections: four corners, four ...
CSS - Rounded Corners - CSS rounded corners are created using the border-radius property. This property allows you to specify the radius of the corners of an element's outer border edge.
之前写CSS – border-radius (Rounded Corners)有介绍过画各种形状. 但是它并不是真的什么形状都画的出来. 很 limitation 的. 而clip path 就很强大. 几乎啥形状都可以画, 可以用这个工具玩玩看CSS clip-path maker 常用的是 circle (圆形), ellipse (椭圆形), polygon (多角形, 如上图) ...
clip-path, some features are only allowed in polygon, and some only in path. Polygon: CSS custom properties as coordinates, relative or other non-pixel units Path: Rounded corners with quadratic/bezier curves So it's currently impossible to create a non-rect polygon that has both rounded ...
CSS | Rounded Corners border-radius propertyis commonly used to convert box elements into circles. We can convert box elements into the circle element by setting the border-radius to half of the length of a square element. Basic syntax: ...
It’s an eight-point path to cut the corners: clip-path: polygon({2*size}0,calc(100% -{2*size}) 0, 100%{2*size},100% calc(100% -{2*size}), calc(100% -{2*size}) 100%,{2*size}100%, 0 calc(100% -{2*size}),0{2*size}); ...
1. Rounded corners for an element with a specified background color: Rounded corners! 2. Rounded corners for an element with a border: Rounded corners! 3. Rounded corners for an element with a background image: Rounded corners! Here is the code: ...