... CSS .menu__item_type_radio{color:blue;} 使用命名约定的一个例子 使用HTML 和 CSS 实现的一个认证表单 HTML CSS .form{}.form_theme_forest{}.form_login{}.form__input{}.form__submit{}.form__submit_disabled{} 可供选择的命名方案 这里有一些可供选择的基于 BEM 命名约定的方案。 Two Das...
The standard CSS implementation of the Spectrum design language. - Class Naming Conventions · adobe/spectrum-css Wiki
类选择器:在标签内加入class属性和对应值(注:class的值可以是多个),.class_value {...} className: naming convention 字母、数字、中划线、下划线;必须以字母开头,case sensitive id选择器:在标签内加入id属性和对应值 与类选择器类似,区别:#id_value {...};unique id; 通配符选择器:* 选择页面内所有的元素...
This CSS tip discusses the concept of structural naming conventions, the benefits of using them, and their practical applications.
CSS .form{ }.form--theme-xmas{ }.form--simple{ }.form__input{ }.form__submit{ }.form__submit--disabled{ } 小结: 从上面的实例中,我们不难发现BEM有以下特点: 复杂甚至稍显冗长的类名极大减少了类名重复的可能性 每个块里的一类元素的样式对应...
<svg> <use xlink:href="#close-icon" /> </svg> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Now, localize the--icon-colorvariable by assigning the valuegreento it inside the.successselector and check the result. 现在,通过在.success选择器内.success分配绿色值来定位--icon-color变量,并检查结果。 The CSS: CSS...
/* style.css */.className{color:green;}/* js file */importstylesfrom"./style.css";element.innerHTML=''; CSS Modules 用 JS 来管理样式依赖,最终输出的时候,给每个类名加上一个 hash 值来避免冲突。具体用法可以看看这篇文章。 CSS Modules 详解及 React 中实践 顺便...
Inconsistency in the file structure, CSS class naming, overall quality of CSS, etc. “Specificity hell” where new features are added by overriding instead of existing the CSS codebase. Undoing CSS where higher-specificity selectors “reset” the lower-specificity selector style. Developers are wri...
.some-class { padding: var(--spacing); width: calc(100% - var(--spacing)); // dynamically calculating a value @apply --base-colors; } 幸运的是,CSS和JavaScript社区已经足够快到让浏览器不支持新特性的问题,这导致了Babel的出现,让JavaSript开发人员可以到处使用JavaScript下一代特性。同样的,PostCSS...
There you go: the class is now explicitly meant to be bound to the html element without altering you selector at all or breaking anything. This technique may look very odd at first but you can get used to it pretty quickly. Final thoughts ...