clamp()函数计算器 工具地址: 工具演示: 范例演示: 下面的范例演示的是屏幕宽度在400px~800px时相关值(字号、边距)的线性变化。 body { padding: clamp(30px, 7.5vw, 60px) clamp(20px, 5vw, 40px); font-size: clamp(14px, 8px + 1.5vw, 2...
font-size: clamp(0.7rem, 0.489rem + 1.05vw, 1.2rem); /*文字大小自适应,最小 0.7rem,最大 1.2rem,否则取首选值*/ } } 效果如下: 大小的上下限制 min()函数 当我们想要给box设置一个宽度,最小为屏幕的80%,最大为1000px,通常会这么写: .box{ width: 80%; max-width: 1000px; } 这种写法可以...
Even though the target of this article is to useclamp()with font sizes, this same technique could be used in any CSS property that receives a length unit. Now, I’m not saying youshoulduse this everywhere. Many times, a good oldfont-size: 1remis all you need. I’m just trying to ...
Generate font size variables for a fluid type scale with CSS clamp. Grab the output CSS and drop it into any design system.
.title{/* 最小 16px,最大 32px,基于视窗宽度动态计算 */font-size:clamp(16px,4vw,32px);}.container{/* 响应式内边距 */padding:clamp(1rem,3vw,3rem);/* 响应式宽度 */width:clamp(320px,80vw,1200px);} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Modern Font Stacks Offers modern, web-safe CSS font stacks focused on improving typography across different devices and operating systems. Clamp Calculator A tool for calculating CSS clamp() values, ensuring responsive and scalable text sizes across devices. ClassyFont Provides a collection of sty...
clamp(minimumsize,preferredsize,maximumsize)minimum size:小屏是最小字体大小 preferred size:首选大小...
单个css 语法问题查文档或者问 gpt 都很方便解决,重要的是要有 css 库的思路。 伸缩盒模型 简介 CSS Flexbox(弹性盒布局模型)在2009年首次提出,又称伸缩盒模型。 flexbox 提供一种简介而强大的方式来排列和对齐页面中的元素,以及定义元素视觉顺序。
The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. It also can help improve legibility for ruby.
Fluid Heading Generator# Thanks toclamp(), you can set a font size that grows with the viewport but doesn’t go below or above the minimum and maximum font size that you define. To help you find the perfect CSS values for your fluid heading and control how it scales across different vie...