ITCSS is a CSS architecture created by Harry Roberts. It’s an acronym that stands for: Inverted Triangle CSS It’s a modern, and very awesome, CSS approach designed for scalability and maintainability. This architecture is achieved with mindful CSS code organization. This organization structure...
CSS 指南byHarry Roberts. Sass 指南byHugo Giraudel. Mark Otto 编写的风格指南,受「GitHub 风格」和「编写符合语言习惯的 CSS」所激发byMark Otto. ThinkUp 的 CSS 风格指导,作者ThinkUp Google 的 HTML/CSS 风格指导 WordPress的CSS代码标准:官网
As Harry Roberts pointed out, this can help prevent CMS users from using extra line breaks for spacing: br + br { display: none; } back to table of contents Use :empty to Hide Empty HTML Elements If you have HTML elements that are empty, i.e., the content has yet to be set eithe...
by Steffen Ploetz Creation of a basic icon editor with as little code as possible, that is running on ReactOS and Windows, to check out the stability of application development capabilities on ReactOSA Beginner's Tutorial On Understanding and Implementing Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core by ...
Harry Roberts (csswizardry) Audit your CSS like a Pro See every color, check every single media query, inspect the format of your colors. Everything is made visible in our CSS Analyzer. Dive deep into your CSS See every color, check every single media query, inspect the format of your ...
Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code CSS-Only Image Carousel An image slider made using only HTML and (S)CSS. Includes navigation dots and arrows. You can change the amount of images to display by modifying one style sheet global variable. ...
In this example, we’re explicitly setting heights to get them to be even. But you don’t really get that ability with floats by default. You could use the background gradient trick we already covered so they justlookeven. Or look atfancy negative margin tricksand the like. ...
ITCSS is a concept developed by Harry Roberts and consists of seven parts, arranged in descending order: Settings, Tools, Generic, Elements, Objects, Components, and Trumps. It was designed as an approach to organize CSS in a way that started broad in specificity, such as element selectors,...
importantin both thedefaultsandcomponentslayers, where importantdefaultstake priority, applying the underline declared bydefaults: CodePen Embed Fallback Establishing a layer order We can create any number of layers and name them or group them in various ways. But the most important thing to do is...
While Harry’s initial code is easier to read for the human eye, it’s really not ideal when it comes to maintenance. That’s where Sass can comes in handy, automating the whole thing with calculations and loops. It does make the code a little more complex, but it also makes it ...