1、box-sizing属性是CSS3的属性,有3个值:border-box、content-box、inherit。 2、默认是content-box,就是我们知道的width、padding、border; 3、但是在实际运用中border-box是很有用的,他设置宽度之后,再设置padding和border的话,元素width会自动变小,这就是所谓的IE盒模型吧。 这个属性现在基本浏览器都支持,IE...
6 box-sizing: inherit; 7 box-sizing: initial; 8 box-sizing: unset; Chrome浏览器box-sizing默认是content-box,content-box就是元素的width和height决定了元素的宽高,这意味着元素的border和padding等不能算在元素的width和height中 ,padding和border的改变不能改变width和height的值。
Formal syntax: content-box | padding-box | border-boxbox-sizing: content-boxbox-sizing: padding-boxbox-sizing: border-boxbox-sizing: inherit Box-sizing 属性取值 content-box 这是默认样式指定 CSS 标准。测量 winth 和 height 属性只包括的内容,但不是 border、margin 或者 padding。 padding-...
CSS3 box-sizing 最佳实践 /* apply a natural box layout model to all elements, but allowing components to change */html{ box-sizing:border-box;}*, *:before, *:after{ box-sizing:inherit;} 组件需要重置时,只需在组件容器上重置即可:.component { /* designed to work in default ...
box-sizing: inherit 继承父元素 box-sizing属性的值 十二、less sass 区别 Less (Leaner Style Sheets 的缩写) 是一门向后兼容的 CSS 扩展语言。因为 Less 和 CSS 非常像,Less 仅对 CSS 语言增加了少许方便的扩展,学习很容易。 sass,作为”世界上最成熟、最稳定、最强大的专业级CSS扩展语言”。兼容所有版本...
CSS Combinators CSS Pseudo-classes CSS Pseudo-elements CSS At-rules CSS Functions CSS Animatable CSS Web Safe Fonts CSS Units Px to Em Conversion CSS Colors CSS Default Values CSS Entities CSS Aural Kickstart your career Get certified by completingtheCSScourse ...
To create the gap, the padding either grows the element’s size or shrinks the content inside. By default, the size of the element increases. If you want to create the gap by shrinking the content, set thebox-sizingproperty toborder-box(i.e.box-sizing: border-box). ...
One thing that hasn’t changed is the return value of the.width()method. As it’s always been documented, it gets and/or sets the “content” width of an element, and that is regardless of the CSSbox-sizingbeing used by the element. However, jQuery 1.8 now needs to check thebox-s...
.boxshadow5{box-shadow:0 0 5px 15px #000;} .boxshadow6{box-shadow: 12px 12px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 255, .2);} 实现效果如下: 单边阴影效果 单边阴影效果可以做一些效果,比如特殊场景下描边,小阴影,再比如一...
The overflow CSS shorthand property sets the desired behavior when content does not fit in the parent element box (overflows) in the horizontal and/or vertical direction.