background-clipDefines how far the background (color or image) should extend within an element background-colorSpecifies the background color of an element background-imageSpecifies one or more background images for an element background-originSpecifies the origin position of a background image ...
12. 渐变文本 .gradient-text{background:linear-gradient(totop,red0%,blue100%);color:transparent;...
background css image image-set negotiation optimization postcss postcss-plugin resolution responsive romainmenke •7.0.0•6 months ago•222dependents•MIT-0published version7.0.0,6 months ago222dependentslicensed under $MIT-0 27,890,666 ...
The writing-mode CSS property sets whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as the direction in which blocks progress. When set for an entire document, it should be set on the root element (html element for HTML documents).
background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position background border properties border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width border-width border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color border-left-color border-color border-top-style border-...
img { width: 200px; height: auto; object-fit: cover; /* 按比例缩放,裁剪多余部分 */ } 示例代码 代码语言:txt 复制 <!DOCTYPE html> CSS Image Resize .container { width: 300px; border: 1px solid #000; } img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } 参考链接 MDN Web...
.parent{width:400px;height:300px;}.child{width:100%;height:100%;background-color:black;/* fallback color */background-image:url("images/city.jpg");background-position:center;background-size:cover;} We then add hover effects to our parent element which will affect our child element. A ...
ZoomOriginalSize ZoomOut ZoomToFit ZoomToggle ZoomToWidth IServiceFactory IVisualStudioContributionClass IVisualStudioContributionProperty ProjectCapability ServiceFactoryRegistrationAttribute ServiceHubServiceMoniker SettingsExtensibility SnapshotVersionNotAvailableException SolutionState VisualStudioArchitecture V...
.swper{ background-image: url(./img/bg.jpg); width:100%; height:100%;//父级高不为100%请使用100vh zoom: 1; background-color: #fff; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; -webkit-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-position: center 0; }...