background-image: radial-gradient(transparent 0px, transparent 4px, darken(#f36, 25%) 4px, darken(#f36, 25%)); background-size: 15px 15px; background-position: -7.5px -7.5px; } } 你可能看到的效果如下: 看上去效果不错,那是因为伪元素::after的渐变平铺时刚好的容器大小相吻合。言外之意...
I want to add a full-size background to my website, preferably only using the CSS properties background and background-size. Currently I am using the following .bg { background: url("./gfxGeneral/backgroundImage.jpg"); background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; } And th...
Properties属性Description简介 background 复合属性。设置或检索对象的背景特性 background-color 设置或检索对象的背景颜色 background-image 设置或检索对象的背景图像 background-repeat 设置或检索对象的背景图像如何铺排填充 background-attachment 设置或检索对象的背景图像是随对象内容滚动还是固定的 background-position ...
Before we dive into the jQuery code, let’s have a brief understanding of thebackground-sizeproperty in CSS. Thebackground-sizeproperty specifies the size of the background image. It can take different values such asauto,cover,contain, or specific length units like pixels or percentages. Here...
e.How to scale the image to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the content area? f.How to sets this property to its initial value? Previous:How to repeat background image? Next:How to sets all the border properties in one declaration?
CSSbackground Property 语法: background:bg-color bg-imageposition/bg-sizebg-repeat bg-origin bg-clip bg-attachmentinitial|inherit; Note:If one of the properties in the shorthand declaration is the bg-size property, you must usea / (slash) to separate it from the bg-position property, e.g...
1 background-repeat 设置或检索对象的背景图像如何铺排填充。必须先指定background-image属性。 1 background-clip 指定对象的背景图像向外裁剪的区域。 3 background-origin S设置或检索对象的背景图像计算background-position时的参考原点(位置)。 3 background-size 检索或设置对象的背景图像的尺寸大小。 3边框...
为.background-image元素设置了一张名为background.jpg的背景图片。 五、自定义属性与变量函数 1.var() CSS变量(Custom Properties)通过var()函数在样式中引用。这极大地增强了代码的复用性和维护性。例如: Css :root{--primary-color:#FF69B4;}.button{background-color:var(--primary-color);} ...
背景图片之 background-image 顾名思义是设置背景“图片”的,这里的图片并非我们通常意义上理解的“图片”,而是由CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module所规定的一系列内容,用以替代CSS2中所规定的属性与属性中的参数,或者作为伪元素的值。 现在浏览器也没有完全实现这些,可用的包括引用图片,和渐变“图片”...
background-position:指背景定位区域的大小减去背景图像的大小; 大小是指水平偏移的宽度和垂直偏移的高度background-size:相对于背景定位区域 Media visual [Computed value](computed_value) as each of the properties of the shorthand: background-image:如指定的那样,但是具有url绝对值background-position:一个列表...