background-image: url(,w_300); /* 背景图片是否平铺 */ background-repeat: no-repeat; /* background-repeat: repeat-x; */ /* 背景图片的位置设置是非常灵活...
当心! 如果你想删除某个渐变,确保将你所添加的针对 IE 的 filter 一并删除。你可以通过使用 .reset-filter() mixin 和 background-image: none; 达到目的。实用工具 mixin实用工具 mixin 用于与不相关的 CSS 结合以达到特定目的或任务。Clearfix -- 清除浮动建议为需要清除浮动的元素使用 .clearfix() mixin ,...
轻量级智能穿戴上伪类选择器上仅支持background-color 和background-image 的样式设置。 :checked input[type="checkbox"、type="radio"] 表示checked属性为true的元素。轻量级智能穿戴上伪类选择器上仅支持background-color 和background-image 的样式设置。 伪类示例如下,设置按钮的:active伪类可以控制被用户...
I simply uploaded that image on my server and linked the location of that image in the background-image:url(""); attribute and it finally worked but if you guys don't have server then try to enter the complete location of the image in the attribute by going in property of th...
.ele{background-image:url(image-1800w.jpg);}// 降低图片质量@media(prefers-reduced-data:reduce){.ele{background-image:url(image-600w.jpg);}} 当检测到用户开启了prefers-reduced-data: reduce,我们将提供压缩度更高,尺寸更小,消耗流量更少的图片。
background-position: top|bottom|left|right|center|width height|image1-width image1-height, center|initial|inherit; More information #background-size CSS Property The size of the element’s background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the availa...
( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) { background-image: url("@{file-2x}"); background-size: @width-1x @height-1x; } } // Usage .jumbotron { .img-retina("/img/bg-1x.png", "/img/bg-2x.png...
class { /* Disabled url handling for third and sixth urls in the 'background-image' declaration */ background-image: image-set( url(./url/img.png) 2x, url(./url/img.png) 3x, /* webpackIgnore: true */ url(./url/img.png) 4x, url(./url/img.png) 5x, url(./url/img.png) ...
@ohos.multimedia.image (图片处理) (媒体服务) 资源管理 @ohos.i18n (国际化-I18n) @ohos.intl (国际化-Intl) @ohos.resourceManager (资源管理) 后台任务(Background Task) @ohos.reminderAgentManager (后台代理提醒) @ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTask...
background-originSpecifies the origin position of a background image background-positionSpecifies the position of a background image background-position-xSpecifies the position of a background image on x-axis background-position-ySpecifies the position of a background image on y-axis ...