除了直接对图片进行填充,我们还可以将图片放置在一个容器中,并使用 CSS 设置容器的尺寸和背景图像。通过 background-size 属性,我们可以将背景图片按比例缩放并铺满整个容器,达到填充的效果。如下: .container { width: 500px; height: 300px; background-image: url('image.jpg'); background-size: cover; } ...
通常用在 background-image 大于 container 的情况, 但是, 当 background-image 小于 container 的时候. position 的功能就变成了定位. section{margin-top:10rem;height:500px;width:100%;background-image:url('./images/car.png');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50px 50px;border:1px soli...
.container{ width: 100px; height: 20px; display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap;}.item{ width: 50px; height: 20px;}.item1{/*收缩权重1/3,总空间50,所以它占33.33,为原本的2/3*/ flex-shrink: 1; /* default 1 */ }.item2{/*收缩权重2/3,总空间50,所以它占...
White space will be left in the areas the picture cannot fill. Cover: This value instructs the browser to stretch out the image to be the size of the whole container. Length: This is the width and height of the background image. The first value specified sets the width of the image,...
Create a container element (e. g. .parallax) and add a background image with a specific height (px, %, vh, etc.) to the container. Then apply background-attachment: fixed; to create the actual parallax effect. The other background properties are used to center and scale the image....
container { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(100px, 1fr)); /* 添加网格间隙 */ grid-gap: 10px; background-color: skyblue; } .item { background-color: pink; padding: 20px; /* 使padding 不会增加元素的总宽度 */ box-sizing: border-box; text-align: ...
container.style.backgroundImage=`url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${encodeURIComponent(containerBg)}')`;// 略})(); 接着给“目标”准备一个处理方法,如果目标是一个图片,为了获得图片大小,将在图片的 onload 中执行: (function() {// 略consttarget =document.querySelector('#target');functionsetTarge...
( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) { background-image: url("@{file-2x}"); background-size: @width-1x @height-1x; } } // Usage .jumbotron { .img-retina("/img/bg-1x.png", "/img/bg-2x.png...
1property to the child items allows them to grow and occupy equal space within the container. To ensure items are spaced evenly, you can add thejustify-content: space-betweenproperty to your stylesheet. Lastly, add some other styling properties, such as padding, background color, and borders,...
/* 这是一个注释 */ body { background-color: #f0f0f0; /* 背景颜色设置为浅灰色 */ } ...