.container{outline:5px solid red;border:1rem solid transparent;padding:1rem;width:300px;height:300px;background-image:url("./images/tifa2.PNG");background-repeat:no-repeat;background-origin:border-box;background-size:cover; } border-box, 从 border 开始 boder 要 transparent 才看的出来. (...
Using one or more newer CSS properties (background-blend-mode, mix-blend-mode, or filter) gives us a surprising amount of possibilities to manipulate a single source image.The unedited background-image manipulated using CSS.In most of these effects the single source background-image url is re...
The CSS background properties are used to add background effects for elements. In these chapters, you will learn about the following CSS background properties: background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position ...
background-image: linear-gradient(#1095c1 0 0); background-size: 200% .08em; background-position: 200% 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; transition: background-size .3s, background-position .3s .3s;}.hover-2:hover { transition: background-size .3s .3s, background-position .3s; ...
background: #000; color: #fff; } h1 {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 2.25em;line-height: 1.1;text-align: center; } /* NOTE: The background-image URLs are different below than in the example shown in the book, because I've placed the images in a sub-folder (called "img")...
Use multiple backgrounds for layered effects Combine multiple background images for a richer design. Using CSS, you can layer backgrounds (e.g., an image and a gradient) to add depth and detail, which is useful for creating visually complex, yet performant, designs. ...
因为background-image 允许我们在一个元素中添加多个渐变,同理我们也可以设置多张背景图片在同一元素中。当多张图片融合了background-blend-mode和filter属性,图片的效果更加有趣: 1. 素描效果 我们可以通过 CSS 让左图的图片看起来像素描一样。不需要 Photoshop、HTML canvas、WebGL 或者 JavaScript 库,5 个 CSS...
background-image: conic-gradient(0deg, red, blue, green); } 1. 2. 3. 使用这个CSS,元素将具有一个锥形渐变,从顶部开始为红色,过渡到蓝色,然后是绿色,形成一个圆形渐变图案。 还可以使用颜色停止来定义渐变中每个颜色的特定位置。以下是一个使用颜色停止创建圆锥渐变的示例: ...
首先,我们从一个简单的background-size过渡开始,如上图所示,背景色的高度是一直保持100%,我们只需要改变其宽度从0%到100%之间的切换。因为使用了background-size改变宽度,所以使用background-image: linear-gradient设置背景色。因为只有一个颜色值,使用此#1095c1 0 0简写方式,不需要写两个色值。
When you want the background image to cover the entire container without distortion, usebackground-size: cover;. This preserves the aspect ratio while ensuring that the image fills the container. However, be prepared for some image cropping along the edges. ...