.text { font-size: 80px; background: linear-gradient(90deg, red 0, orange 15%, yellow 30%, green 45%, teal 60%, blue 75%, purple 90% ,purple 100%); background-clip: text; color: transparent; animation: changeColor .5s linear infinite alternate; } @keyframes change...
This animation adds an illusion of depth to your background creating a parallax scrolling stars effect. It uses a simple SASS function (to create a random star field on each load) and CSS animation keyframes. Snow Particle Scene Sliding Diagonals Background Effect CodePen Embed Fallback Created ...
1.2.2 animation 单独使用 示例:div横向移动效果 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <style> div { width:100px; height:100px; background:red; position:relative; animation-name:divmove; animation-duration:5s; animation-iteration-count:infinite; -webkit-anim...
positioned relatively, and with a red background color. The animation is named "example" and has a duration of 4 seconds. To add a delay to the animation, you can use the animation-delay property. In the given example, the animation is delayed by -2 seconds, making it start as if it...
&:hover{color:transparent;background:repeating-radial-gradient(circleat00,#000calc(var(--offset) -5px),#000var(--offset),#fffvar(--offset),#fffcalc(var(--offset) +5px));background-clip:text;animation:move.5sinfinitelinear; } }
2、Gradient Background Animation 地址:https://codepen.io/P1N2O/pen/pyBNzX 对于网站性能来说,动画是众人皆知的问题引发者。如果优化不佳,它们会直接影响页面的打开速度。而这个 CSS 实现的漂亮的渐变动画,却相当的轻量,不仅易于编辑,而且支持自定义颜色。
onload=(){// 打字机动画constps = $("code p");letyanchi =0; ps.each((i, p) =>{// 设置宽度constw = p.outerText.length; p.style.width=`${w}ch`;//设置动画p.style.animation=`dazi${w *0.2}s steps(${w}) backwards, caret .5s step-end infinite`;//设置延迟p.style.animation...
CodePen Demo(https://codepen.io/Chokcoco/pen/WjOBzB) 1. 2. 3. 使用-webkit-background-clip:text 我们稍微改造下上面的代码,添加 -webkit-background-clip:text: div { font-size: 180px; font-weight: bold; color: deeppink; background: url($img) no-repeat center center; ...
background: linear-gradient(grey,grey);width:200px;animation-duration:12s;animation-fill-mode: forwards;}.div1{ height: calc(var(--arr1s0) * 20px);animation-name: div1;}.div2{ height: calc(var(--arr2s0) * 20px);animation-name: div2;}.div3{ ...
CodePen Demo -- background underline animation OK,如果我们使用background实现两条重叠的下划线,再利用上述的两个不同的background-position值,我们就可以得到一个更有意思的下划线 hover 效果。 CSS 代码示意,注意看两条使用 background 模拟的下划线的background-position的值是不一样的: ...