border-bottom-color 设置或检索对象的底部边框颜色。 1 border-bottom-style 设置或检索对象的底部边框样式。 1 border-bottom-width 设置或检索对象的底部边框宽度。 1 border-color 置或检索对象的边框颜色。 1 border-left 复合属性。设置对象左边边框的特性。 1 border-left-color 设置或检索对象的左边边框颜色...
@CHARSET “UTF-8”; #container { width: 1000px; background-color: gray; margin: 0px auto; } #header { height: 120px; background-color: red; } #main { height: 600px; background-color: yellow; } #left { width: 700px; height: 600px; float: left; background: green; } .four ...
list-style-type:trad-chinese-formal;# 中国传统的正式数字/* <string> value */list-style-type:"-";# 指定的字符串将用作项目的标记。 list-style-type:"\1F44D";/* Identifier matching an @counter-style rule(值得学习)*/list-style-type:custom-counter-style;/* Keyword value */list-style-type...
border-bottom-color 设置或检索对象的底部边框颜色。 1 border-bottom-style 设置或检索对象的底部边框样式。 1 border-bottom-width 设置或检索对象的底部边框宽度。 1 border-color 置或检索对象的边框颜色。 1 border-left 复合属性。设置对象左边边框的特性。 1 border-left-color 设置或检索对象的左边边框颜色...
border-left-colorSets the color of the left border border-left-styleSets the style of the left border border-left-widthSets the width of the left border border-radiusA shorthand property for the fourborder-*-radiusproperties border-rightA shorthand property for all theborder-right-*properties ...
.list-group-item-warning Yellow background color for a list item in a list group Try it List Group .list-inline Places all list items on a single line (horizontal menu) Try it Tabs .list-unstyled Removes all default list-style (bullets, left margin, etc.) styling from a or list ...
Color keywords are case-insensitive identifiers that represent a specific color, such as red, blue, brown, or lightseagreen. The name describes the color, though it is mostly artificial. The list of accepted values has varied a lot throughout the different specifications: ...
body { background: var(--bg); color: var(--fontColor); font-family: helvetica; } In this example, you use the body selector to set the background and color properties and, because the elements that are visible on the web page are all inside the element, they inherit the colors ...
CSS Colors ListFinally, here’s a handy CSS colors cheat sheet that covers color names, the associated hex code, and what the color looks like.HTML Color Name Hex Color Code Color Example white #FFFFFF ghostwhite #F8F8FF whitesmoke #F5F5F5 snow #FFFAFA ivory #FFFFF0 ...
max-2xl @media not all and (min-width: 1536px) max-[…] 自定义@media (max-width: …) portrait 竖屏,@media (orientation: portrait) landscape 横屏 dark @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) motion-reduce 一个CSS媒体查询,它可以用来检测用户是否在设备上启用了减少非必要动画或运动的设置 ...