The CSS propertyvertical-alignis responsible for defining the vertical alignment of an inline, inline-block, or table-cell box. Syntax /* Keyword values */vertical-align:baseline;vertical-align:sub;vertical-align:super;vertical-align:text-top;vertical-align:text-bottom;vertical-align:middle;vertical...
然后,给浮动的div设置一个浮动属性,例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 .float-div { float: left; } 接下来,给文本元素设置一个绝对定位属性,并使用bottom属性将其定位到父元素的底部,例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 .text { position: absolute; bottom: 0; } 完整的示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 <div class="parent...
span2{ width: 70px; height: 100%; float: left; background: deeppink; text-align: center; opacity: 0.8; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="div1"> <div id="div2"> <div class="box" > <div class="footer"> <div class="span1">安踏体育运动</div> <div class="span2">$...
I might've been able to skip the last step, but here’s the problem: Having the top edge of the div lined up in the middle of the page won’t center the div. I need to define one last property, thetransformproperty. While there are several different ...
This CSS tutorial contains hundreds of CSS examples.With our online editor, you can edit the CSS, and click on a button to view the result.CSS Example body { background-color: lightblue;} h1 { color: white; text-align: center; } p { font-family: verdana; font-size: 20px; } Try...
Finally, inside the quote marks, set the text-align property to center. Here’s what that looks like: Here’s a closer look at the result: Centering a Block Element Using the Margin Property If you’re centering an entireblock element, su...
line-height + text-align:center DEMO链接 代码: <divclass='wrap'> 水平垂直居中水平垂直居中 </div> html,body{margin:0; }.wrap{line-height:400px;text-align:center;height:400px;font-size:36px;background-color:#ccc; } 这种方法只适合单行文字的水平垂直居中 ...
Top Middle Bottom <style> .container-elt { background-color: aliceblue; height: 96px; margin: 10px 0; } .item-elt { width: 150px; border: 3px solid #6266f1; text-align: center; } </style> <div class="container-elt" style="padding-top:0;"> <div class="item-elt"> Top <...
Inside.main divclass, locate the cursor at the end ofborder: 0px;and pressEnterto display the IntelliSense list. Start typingtopand notice how the list is filtered as you type. The list will display the elements that containtopat any part of the word (In prior versions of Visual Studio...
vertical-align包括以下取值范围。baseline:浏览器的默认垂直对齐方式。sub:文字的下标。super:文字的上标。top:垂直靠上对齐。text-top:使元素和上级元素的字体向上对齐。middle:垂直居中对齐。text-bottom:使元素和上级元素的字体向下对齐。实例:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>...