p { text-align: center }h2 { text-align: center } 这将会使得 p 或者 h2 中的每一行居中对齐,就像这样 另外一种情况是,文本处于 div 中,而 div 具有一定的高度,那么我们除了设置text-align之外还需要设置行高与 div 高度一样,类似于这样:div { height: 100px; width: 100px; line-h...
其中用到的最重要的 CSS 属性是 vertical-align。 假设我们的 HTML 代码如下: Hello Image! vertical-align 的取值主要有 top,text-top,middle,baseline,text-bottom,bottom 等。 上面的例子中,图片的高度为 16px,而我们设置文本的 line-height 为 24px。选择文本可以看到文本占用的高度。 参考资料: [1]W...
十二、行内块元素(Inline-Block) 很受欢迎的一种居中实现方式,基本思想是使用display: inline-block, vertical-align: middle和一个伪元素让内容块处于容器中央。这个概念的解释可以参考CSS-Tricks上的文章《Centering in the Unknown》 我这个例子也有一些其他地方见不到的小技巧,有助于解决一些小问题。 如果内容块...
I am vertically and horizontally centered. Example .center{ line-height:200px; height:200px; border:3px solid green; text-align:center; } /* If the text has multiple lines, add the following: */ .center p{ line-height:1.5; display:inline-block; ...
text-align: center; } Center with padding and text-align In this example, we use padding and text-align to center the div element both vertically and horizontally: I am vertically and horizontally centered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
To vertically align an inline element’s box inside its containing line box. For example, it could be used to vertically position an image in a line of text. To vertically align the content of a cell in a table. [ Note that vertical-align only applies to inline, inline-block and table...
英文| https://betterprogramming.pub/5-different-ways-to-vertically-align-your-css-content-6ac864af7f2c 翻译| web前端开发 垂直对齐一直是我们需要处理的问题之一。过去,对于开发人员而言,这一直是头疼的问题。幸运的是,现在借助Flex和Grid等新布局,它现在已成为一项微不足道的任务。
image-renderingSpecifies the type of algorithm to use for image scaling @importAllows you to import a style sheet into another style sheet initial-letterSpecifies the size of the initial-letter and optionally the number of lines the initial letter should sink (down in the text) ...
You can also use the line-height method; just as you would to vertically align a single line of text. Set the image’s container to a specific height and also give it a line-height with the same value as the height. Then give the image inside the container a display: inline-block or...
image-renderingSpecifies the type of algorithm to use for image scaling @importAllows you to import a style sheet into another style sheet initial-letterSpecifies the size of the initial-letter and optionally the number of lines the initial letter should sink (down in the text) ...