Enter the file name for the certificate request (CSR) and the location of where you would like to save the file (we recommend you click the ‘browse' button and select a location to save the CSR file to). Then click "Next”. 9. 检查和确认CSR文件Confirm your request details 显示CSR中...
A key-pair file contains both the public and private keys used for SSL encryption. You use the key-pair file when you request and install a certificate. The key-pair file is stored encrypted in the directory/alias/-key.db. When you create the key, you specify a password that you later...
you cannot use the certificate we issue to you and will need to request a free reissue. To ensure this never happens, we advise that a backup of the private key file is made and that a note is made of the password that
How to create a .pem file for SSL Certificate Installations OpenSSL生成根证书CA及签发子证书 CSR Certificate Signing Request,证书签名请求,即申请者通过将公钥发送给 CA,Certificate Authority, 来申请数字签名证书的请求。发送的文件叫做 CSR 文件。 Inpublic key infrastructure(PKI) systems, acertificate signing...
How to create a .pem file for SSL Certificate Installations OpenSSL生成根证书CA及签发子证书 CSR Certificate Signing Request,证书签名请求,即申请者通过将公钥发送给 CA,Certificate Authority, 来申请数字签名证书的请求。发送的文件叫做 CSR 文件。In public key infrastructure (PKI) system...
CSR 即证书签名申请(Certificate Signing Request),获取 SSL 证书,需要先生成 CSR 文件并提交给证书颁发机构(CA)。CSR 包含了用于签发证书的公钥、用于辨识的名称信息(Distinguished Name)(例如域名)、真实性和完整性保护(例如数字签名),通常从 Web 服务器生成 CSR,同时创建加解密的公钥私钥对。
CSR 即证书签名申请(Certificate Signing Request),获取 SSL 证书,需要先生成 CSR 文件并提交给证书颁发机构(CA)。CSR 包含了用于签发证书的公钥、用于辨识的名称信息(Distinguished Name)(例如域名)、真实性和完整性保护(例如数字签名),通常从 Web 服务器生成 CSR,同时创建加解密的公钥私钥对。
8. 保存CSR文件Choose a filename to save the request to 选择路径,保存您的CSR文件,点击“下一步”,如下图8所示。。 Enter the file name for the certificate request (CSR) and the location of where you would like to save the file (we recommend you click the ‘browse' button and select a ...
接着,会提示“What is your fist and last name?”,请输入您要申请SSL证书的域名,而不是真的输入您的个人姓名,如果您需要为www.domain.com申请SSL证书就不能只输入domain.com。SSL证书是严格绑定域名的。 The term "First and last name" is X.509 speak for the name that distinguishes the certificate be...
SSLCertificateKeyFile "D:/Apache2.2/conf/server.key" 二、为网站服务器生成证书及私钥文件 1. 生成服务器Apache的一个RSA私钥 openssl genrsa -out server.key 1024 生成了一个1024字节的文件server.key,生成证书签署请求CSR 2. 生成签署申请 openssl req -new –out server.csr -key server.key -config ....