related to increased skepticism. To alleviate some of the concerns of people who rate high on these aspects, companies might want to minimize the ambiguities in their CSR communication. For instance, the latter may report explicitly what they have done regarding CSR and provide proof of CSR commi...
2023; 15(13):10007. Chicago/Turabian Style Wentzel, Lance, Julius Ayodeji Fapohunda, and Rainer Haldenwang. 2023. "A Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Model to Achieve Sustainable Business Performance (SBP) of SMEs in the South African Construction ...
Public pressure puts an implicit pay cap on their total annual compensation. For example, the literature (e.g., References [1,2]) discovered political and labor union pressure on CEO compensation; Mohan, Schlager, Deshpandé, and Norton [3] found that consumers avoid buying from firms with ...
FOSS is an active participant of the UN Global Compact, the world´s largest voluntary initiative based on CEO commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take steps to support UN goals. Each year we produce an annual sustainability report, which details our efforts and ...
2023. Global value chains: potential synergies between external trade policy and internal economic initiatives to address the strategic dependencies of the EU. Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies, Publications Office of the European Union. ISBN: 978-92-848-0310-1. Atherton, J...
spend the same, it may fulfil its obligation by transferring the same to the unspent A/C or funds specified under Schedule VII. The same will be considered as compliance of Sections 135(5) and (6) of the Act. Requisite disclosures are to be given in the Board Report and Annual Report....
From 1 April 2023, all CSR entities must file their annual returns electronically within 60 days after the financial year ends. This will make CSR activities more transparent and help analyse data for monitoring. Applicability of Form CSR-1 Mandatory for entities seeking CSR funding: Section 8 co...
important sustainability topics for KION Group Format: Section on Sustainability in the Annual Report, answering questions in the context of investor discussions and inquiries from financial analysts, assessment by rating organisations, online stakeholder survey, Sustainability Report Frequency: Contin...
who -Report of the seventh meeting of the WHO STAGE for MCA and Nutrition, 15-17 May 2023 热度: MEPC 63/4/11 Report of the second Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group on Energy Efficiency Measures for Ships 热度: Report of the Task Force on the Arts - The Office of the...