1.下载解压文件,运行主程序文件,点击“Next”进行下一步安装。2.勾选“AfterCodecs for Adobe CC + PPro Panel”,然后点击“Install”完成插件安装,最后点击“Finish”退出安装窗口。3.打开软件安装包,解压后,将Autokroma AfterCodecs文件夹复制到C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\M...
2.勾选下方的AfterCodecs for Adobe CC + PPro Panel进行下一步的install安装工作,稍等片刻即可完成插件的安装工作,点击下方的finish退出安装窗口; 3.打开软件安装包,解压后复制里面的Autokroma AfterCodecs文件夹到以下路径里进行粘贴替换C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore 4.打开AE 2021...
1、复制Autokroma AfterCodecs 文件夹到 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore 2、复制com.autokroma.afcpanel 文件夹到 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro 2020\CEP\extensions AfterCodecs注册码 AfterCodecs序列号 for After Effects:DSTAC*CG*Persia*298394516728034SUL5AfterCodecs序...
This paper considers the effect of transverse and bending reinforcement on the in-plane mechanical behaviors of composite slabs with precast ribbed panel (CSPRP). A standard reinforced CSPRP was designed and built, another four specimens were obtained by removing or doubling the transverse/bending ...
The CSPQTRL is RACK HARDWARE - SIDE PANEL LOCK, that includes Locking Kit Accessory Type, they are designed to operate with a Cabinet Accessories Product, For Use With Related Products is shown on datasheet note for use in a C2 Series, that offers Series features such as C2, Unit Weight...
The CSPQTRL is RACK HARDWARE - SIDE PANEL LOCK, that includes Locking Kit Accessory Type, they are designed to operate with a Cabinet Accessories Product, For Use With Related Products is shown on datasheet note for use in a C2 Series, that offers Series features such as C2, Unit Weight...
{stringpath =@"G:\users\kim.gao\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\test\test\test.csproj"; XElement root=doc.Root;stringxmlns ="{"+ root.Attribute("xmlns").Value +"}"; IEnumerable<XElement> compileList = root.Elements(xmlns +"ItemGroup").Elements(xmlns +"Compile"); ...
xml根据属性去重。如csprj去重 publicstaticvoiddistinct(stringfilePath) {//1、创建XML文档对象XmlDocument doc =newXmlDocument();//2、加载指定路径的XMLdoc.Load(filePath);//3、获得根节点XmlElement root =doc.DocumentElement;//4-1、获得根节点的所有子节点XmlNodeList allNodes =root.ChildNodes;for(...
复制com.autokroma.afcpanel 文件夹到 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions 打开应AE软件,顶部菜单栏,合成>Aftecodecs Settings,就可以弹出Aftercodecs设置界面,在Settings标签下面,输入下面的注册码就可以了了 注册方法: 顶部菜单栏,文件>导出>添加到渲染队列列,输出模块设置>格式选择 Afterco...
0108 使用时间码面板(0108 Using the Timecode panel) 03分 42秒 高清 下载 0109 使用显示在影院模式(0109 Working with a display in Cinema mode) 01分 41秒 高清 下载 0110 使用删除的帧指示器(0110 Using the Dropped Frame Indicator) 06分 53秒 高清 下载 0111 OS x 的审查改进触控板手势支持(...