importorg.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;importorg.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;importorg.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;@RestControllerpublicclassReportController{@PostMapping("/csp-report-endpoint")publicvoidreceiveCspReport(@RequestBodyStringreport){// 处...
(CspReportRequest 是一个具有与 csp-report 有效负载匹配的属性的类,但它也不适用于字符串类型。)因此,进一步阅读建议我为正文发送的“application/csp-report”内容类型添加一个处理程序:services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options => { options.InputFormatters.OfType<JsonInputFormatter>().First().SupportedMediaTypes...
Acunetix evaluated the scan target's Content Security Policies, checked for misconfigurations and potentially unintended side-effects of otherwise valid configurations, and offers the following suggestions on how to change existing policies for improved security and maximum compatibility. Remediation See alert...
不推荐使用的HTTPContent-Security-Policy(CSP)report-uri指令指示用户代理报告违反内容安全策略的企图。这些违规报告由通过HTTP POST请求发送到指定URI的JSON文档组成。 尽管report-to指令旨在取代已弃用的report-uri指令,report-to但在大多数浏览器中仍不受支持。因此,对于当前浏览器的同时,还加入向前兼容的浏览器时获得...
问内容安全策略终结点cspreport未找到POST https://localhost:44331/cspreport返回Asp.net核心EN在这篇...
Strange problem, which I probably don't understand well enough to explain... CSP configured with enforce: true; works well until I pull in a third-party JavaScript that injects an iframe into the page. With the JavaScript in place, the f...
CSP: report-uri,HTTP 中文开发手册,弃用该功能已从Web标准中删除。尽管一些浏览器可能仍然支持它,但它正在被丢弃。避免使用它并尽可能更新现有的代码;请参阅本页底部的兼容性表格来指导您的决定。请注意,ht...
Adds an example to the CSP documentation of the report-uri directive which is required and found similarly in our own kit test app. Currently, using the example provided by the docs, gives this err...
当期报告 $CSP(CSPI)$8-K Current report, items 4.01 and 9.01 Accession Number: 0000356037-25-000018 Act: 34 Size: 209 KB网页链接
CSPViolationReportBody API: toJSON Global usage 75.32% + 0% = 75.32% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 79: Not supported ✅ 80 - 133: Supported ✅ 134: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 135: Not supported ❌ 136: Not supported ❌ 137 - 139: ...