./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/SystemServices/ConfigureLxssManagerServiceStartupMode 此設定會決定服務的開始類型是否為自動 (2) 、手動 (3) 、停用 (4) 。 默認值:手動。描述架構屬性:展開表格 屬性名稱屬性值 格式 int 存取類型 新增、刪除、取得、取代 允許的值 範圍: [2-4] 預設值 3群組...
傳統的企業管理系統 (例如 System Center Configuration Manager) 也可以透過用戶端 WMI 至 CSP 橋接器來將 CSP 設為目標。 同步處理標記語言 (SyncML) 開放行動聯盟裝置管理 (OMA-DM) 通訊協定會使用以 XML 為基礎的同步處理標記語言 (SyncML) 來進行符合標準之伺服器和用戶端之間的資料交換。 SyncML 提供開放...
bash-3.2# csrutil usage: csrutilModify theSystemIntegrity Protection configuration.Allconfiguration changes applytothe entire machine. Available commands: clear Clear the existing configuration. disable Disable the protectiononthe machine.OnlyavailableinRecovery OS. enable Enable the protectiononthe machine.Onl...
Professional Show Every year, CSP attends various types of shows and exhibitions, where we present updated state-of-the-art products to our many customers from all over the world. Learn More... International CSP is an international Professional Audio System manufacturing corporation with its headquar...
Using Cross System Product (CSP)This topic briefly describes the interface between z/OS® XL C and applications generated through the Cross System Product/Application Development (CSP/AD) and the Cross System Product/Application Execution (CSP/AE) Version 3 Release 2 Modification 2 or later. ...
ADMX_SystemRestore ADMX_TabletPCInputPanel ADMX_TabletShell ADMX_Taskbar ADMX_tcpip ADMX_TerminalServer ADMX_Thumbnails ADMX_TouchInput ADMX_TPM ADMX_UserExperienceVirtualization ADMX_UserProfiles ADMX_W32Time ADMX_WCM ADMX_WDI ADMX_WinCal ADMX_WindowsColorSystem ADMX_WindowsConnectNow ADMX_WindowsExplorer...
Meet your business goals now with our cloud service provider experts We understand the difference between CSP users and enterprise customers. As a strategic partner you can trust to deliver value for your CSP needs, we offer rapid innovation, quality products, aggressive pricing, quick delivery, un...
命名空间: System.Security.Cryptography 程序集: System.Security.Cryptography.dll Source: CspKeyContainerInfo.NotSupported.cs 提供有关加密密钥对的附加信息。 此类不能被继承。 C# 复制 [System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] public sealed class CspKeyContainerInfo 继承 Object Csp...
Lenovo continues to deliver resilient system designs with 12 years of reliable operation. Our development team is ready to help you design and deploy the highest performance solutions at scale. Whether your goals are to retrofit an existing datacenter or if you’re designing from scratch, Lenovo’...
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/FileSystem/EnableDevDrive 開発ドライブまたは開発者ボリュームは、開発者シナリオのパフォーマンスのために最適化されたボリュームです。 開発者ボリュームを使用すると、管理者はボリュームにアタッチされているファイル システム フィルターを選択でき...