将partnertenantguid 替换为你的租户 ID。 间接经销商使用此 URL:https://portal.office.com/partner/partnersignup.aspx?type=IndirectResellerRelationship&id=IRtenantguid&csp=1&msppid=IRPartnerID&indirectCSP=IPtenantguid。 将IRtenantguid 替换为你的租户 ID。 将 IRPartnerID 替换为PartnerID,并将 IPtenantgu...
有关如何以间接经销商的身份在 CSP 计划中进行销售的详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program 上的从作为间接经销商开始。在云解决方案提供商计划中注册为间接经销商备注 如果已在 CSP 中注册,则可能需要提供客户支持联系信息,以在合作伙伴中心创建经销商帐户。
CSP 間接轉銷商必須先執行三件事,才能在 雲端解決方案提供者 計劃中交易新業務: 以Microsoft AI Cloud Partner 計劃的成員身分加入合作夥伴中心 註冊為間接經銷商 接受Microsoft 合作夥伴合約 (MPA) 如需詳細資訊,請參閱CSP 合作夥伴Microsoft 合作夥伴合約 (MPA)。 CSP 計劃中支援的合作夥伴交易 CSP 合作夥伴提供許...
When a new Microsoft Azure subscription is created in a customer tenant, the partner is granted owner rights on this subscription, however, the customer is not by default. Therefore, the customer cannot log into the Microsoft Azure Management Portal and create/start/stop new Azure services for t...
Microsoft商业市场专门从事业务解决方案,例如直接扩展到 Dynamics 365、Microsoft 365 和 Microsoft Power Platform 的软件即服务(SaaS)应用程序和应用。 Azure 市场专门介绍专为 Azure 构建或构建的解决方案,面向 IT 专业人员和开发人员。 这些平台共同构成 Microsoft 商业市场。
Please sign in with your Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program account Sign in Follow Us Was this page helpful? Yes No Share Get started Become a partner Maximize your partnership Compare offerings Partner Center Find a partner Grow With Us Microsoft Action Pack I...
As a partner, you can use the latest Microsoft resources to build unique solutions for virtually any customer need and leverage our sales motions to serve businesses of any size. Value-added services for enduring partner relationships Our partners can build a sustainable business by guiding customers...
Which Partner(s) would you like to connect with?Which Partner(s) would you like to connect with? Optional NVIDIA Privacy Policy I agree to the collection and processing of the above information by NVIDIACorporationfor the purposes of research and event organization, and I have read and agree ...
× Microsoft 帐户 (MSA) 登录(例如 @outlook、@google、@yahoo)已在合作伙伴网站停用。要访问合作伙伴网络,你必须使用 Microsoft Entra ID(工作/学校/组织)登录。登录名必须与用于访问 Partner Center 的登录名相同。请使用你的 Microsoft 合作伙伴网络帐户登录 登录 关注 此页面...
Azure in CSP is available in the countries/regions listedhere. For partners, currency is determined by the agreement with Microsoft. For customers, currency is determined by the agreement with their partner. 1-Tier CSP Partners: 1-Tier CSP Partners: ...