报告CSP Content Security Policy Generator 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。 儿童危害或剥削 与儿童色情、儿童裸体或其他儿童虐待...
内容安全策略(Content-Security-Policy) 是一个额外的安全层,用于检测并削弱某些特定类型的攻击,包括 跨站脚本 (XSS) 和数据注入攻击等。无论是数据盗取、网站内容污染还是散发恶意软件,这些攻击都是主要的手段。CSP 被设计成完全向后兼容(除CSP2 在向后兼容有明确提及的不一致; 更多细节查看这里 章节1.1)。...
Content Security Policy (CSP) Generator is a chrome extension for generating Content Security Policy headers on any website in minutes.Built by:...
构建者:https://csper.io -- 了解有关 CSP 的更多信息: https://csper.io/docs/content-security-policy https://csper.io/docs/report-uri 视频演示: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S8fl24001s https://csper.io/generator https://github.com/csper-io/csp-generator ...
{varrng =RandomNumberGenerator.Create();byte[] bytes =newbyte[16]; rng.GetBytes(bytes);stringnonce =Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);returnnonce; } Nonce=GenerateCryptoNonce(); Response.Headers.Append("Content-Security-Policy", $"default-src 'self' wss: 'nonce-{Nonce}'"); ...
Content-Security-Policy header generator for Node.js. Install npm install --save csp-header Usage const { getCSP, nonce, EVAL, INLINE, SELF } = require('csp-header'); getCSP({ directives: { 'script-src': [ SELF, INLINE, EVAL, nonce('gg3g43#$g32gqewgaAEGeag2@#GFQ#g=='), 'exa...
CSPgen is a Content Security Policy (more) generator written in Python. It uses TOML configuration files as input and generates ready-to-use CSP headers. Additionally, CSPgen can parse a target URL and attempt to semi-automatically generate CSP headers (WIP). Usage CSPgen has two functionaliti...
Custom Resource Generator(CRG) Data Binding Accessibility Localization Globalization Right-To-Left State Persistence Animation Input Form Validation HTML Attributes Deployment CDN Fallback Content Security Policy Best Practices Blazor Showcase Samples How To Playground 3D Chart Visual Studio Code Integration Vi...
Chrome and Safari also seem to have issues with implementing both "Content-Security-Policy" and "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only" policies at the same time, if they are different, which leads to weird errors like this, where it asks for the hash that is clearly already in the policy!:...
ConsoleLogger.js:59 [ERROR] files: SW registration failed: { "app": "files", "error": "DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The provided scriptURL ('https://nextcloud.mydomain.de/index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js') violates the Content Security Policy.", "code"...