If you are attempting to request a domain using XMLHttpRequest that is not the same origin, then you will need to specify that domain in theconnect-srcdirective. Due to the browsersSame Originpolicy, you will also need to ensure that the proper CORS headers have been set to allow your do...
Note that 'connect-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback 这个错误信息表明,您的 Electron...方法设置 CSP。...以允许从特定源加载资源 mainWindow.webContents.s...
2. 在Firefox 23之前,xhr-src被用来代替connect-src指 令,并且仅限于使用
document.write('<\/script>'); 仅仅可以使用来加载 第三个default-src相当于同时设置了如下 script-src img-src style-src font-src connect-src media-src object-src frame-src child-src manifest-src worker-src base-uri 看看这些的含义https://content-security-policy.com/ 总结起来上述防护的含义为:...
对通过 HTTP 加载的资源的限制仅适用于那些直接运行的资源。 例如,XMLHTTPRequest你仍然可以自由地连接到任何喜欢的源;默认策略不会以任何方式限制connect-src或任何其他 CSP 指令。 允许通过 HTTPS 加载example.com脚本资源的宽松策略定义可能如下所示: JSON ...
CSP: connect-src HTTPContent-Security-Policy(CSP)指令限制可以使用脚本接口加载的URL。受限制的API是:connect-src ping, Fetch, XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket,和 EventSource. 句法 可以为 connect-src 策略允许一个或多个源: Content-Security-Policy: connect-src ;Content-Security-Policy: connect-src ; 来源...
connect-src指令:适用于XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), WebSocket, fetch(), 或EventSource。如果不允许,浏览器会模拟一个400 HTTP状态码。 font-src指令:定义字体资源的有效来源(通过@font-face加载)。object-src指令:定义有效的插件源,如、或。 media-src指令:定义有效的音频和视频...
ws://localhost:9000 wss://localhost:9443) as declaring a CSP with connect-src ‘self’ will not allow websockets back to the same host/port, since they’re not same origin. If you do not set connect-src, then you should check the Origin header to protect against Cross-Site WebSocket ...
This policy allows images, scripts, AJAX, form actions, and CSS from the same origin, and does not allow any other resources to load (eg object, frame, media, etc). It is a good starting point for many sites. default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src '...
To only allow stylesheets from the current origin, use style-src 'self'. connect-src specifies permitted origins for direct JavaScript connections that use EventSource, WebSocket, or XMLHttpRequest objects. object-src allows control over the sources of plugins such as Flash. (Note that the ...