csm显示为disa..做完系统之后只能进入bios界面在线求助啊百度什么sceury boot我没找到啊用的是核显,没插独立显卡,是不是这个原因装机一天卡死在这开机按f8不显示硬盘呢
--- 1、开机DELETE进入BIOS; 2、找到BIOS栏,选择CSM Support(CSM支持)回车,修改为Enabled(启动); 3、找到Peripherals(集成外设)栏, 在下面选择SATA And RST Configuration设置选项(回车进入),将SATA Controller(s)设置为Enabled(启动)。 并将SATA Mode Selection设置为AHCI即可。 212 技嘉吧 soolo588 还是一样的...
In Example 2, an identical set of Mobility Service configuration settings is created for each Web server currently in use in an organization. To perform this task, the Get-CsService cmdlet is used, along with the WebServer parameter, to return a collection of all the existing Web servers; ...
微星主板进BIOS后把csm调为uefi后无法启动了现在连BIOS都不能重进 重启屏幕一直是黑屏 图拉丁 18213 飞行堡垒吧 巅峰枫浩 【编程器备份+刷写AMIBCP自制修改BIOS】教程就在项【Advance】下,找到【CSM Configuration】,将【Access/Use】值由【Default】改为【USER】,即可在开机后的BIOS操作界面中显示来到项【CSM ...
--- 1、开机DELETE进入BIOS; 2、找到BIOS栏,选择CSM Support(CSM支持)回车,修改为Enabled(启动); 3、找到Peripherals(集成外设)栏, 在下面选择SATA And RST Configuration设置选项(回车进入),将SATA Controller(s)设置为Enabled(启动)。 并将SATA Mode Selection设置为AHCI即可。 212 机械革命吧 Me丶Aishia 机械...
But shutting down Windows 11 is fine, CSM remains disabled. My OS still works normally without any issues. Secure Boot and TPM are still enabled. Should I be worried about it? My OCD blood is kicking in, and it's bothering me.
CSM Configuration page is simply blank in the BIOS. I've tried both Setup Mode and User Mode (Factory Default Secure boot keys) for the Secure Boot Status, with the same results. This also happens whether the Bios is in Text or Graphic Mode - the CSM configuration scree...
My Win10 is a retail usb drive as you say. Also I have set the "Onboard Devices Configuration PCIEx8_4 and M.2" from [Auto] to [M.2]. With CSM enabled, I in fact do see the Samsung 960 Pro in the boot devices lists. With CSM disabled, I don't see anythin...
But shutting down Windows 11 is fine, CSM remains disabled. My OS still works normally without any issues. Secure Boot and TPM are still enabled. Should I be worried about it? My OCD blood is kicking in, and it's bothering me.