Aadhar Institute is a trusted name for coaching in M.Sc. Biotech Entrance, CSIR-UGC-NET Life Science, GATE Life science and GATE Biotechnology, ICMR JRF, ARS NET, IIT JAM BT, IIT JAM BL, JNU Entrance, BHU Entrance since 2002. The Institute was founded by
every year. below is the tabular representation of the list of subjects in which the csir net examination vacancy 2023 gets fulfilled. junior research fellowship life sciences physical sciences chemical sciences earth, atmospheric, ocean, and planetary sciences mathematical sciences lectureship/assistant ...
In a nutshell, the CSIR NET syllabus comprises five subjects i.e. Earth Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. The question paper is divided into three sections i.e. Part A, B, and C. The part A syllabus is common for all whereas the par...
Candidates can download the previous year question papers of the CSIR NET Exam for Life Science, Chemical Science, Earth Science, Mathematical & Physical Science for both June and December sessions from the tables given below. CSIR NET Question Paper 2023 (December Exam) - Download PDF From here...
CSIR NET Exam Pattern for Life Science Applicants have to attempt 75 MCQs from Parts A, B, and C in the Life Sciences paper. Each question in Parts A and B is worth two points, while in Part C, each question is worth four points. For incorrect responses, there is a 25% negative ma...
Kendrika Academy is one of the best CSIR & UGC NET Coaching For Life Science, Commerce, Management, CSIR NET JRF and CSIR NET JRF Coaching Institute in Lucknow
Kendrika Academy is one of the best CSIR & UGC NET Coaching For Life Science, Commerce, Management, CSIR NET JRF and CSIR NET JRF Coaching Institute in Lucknow
CSIR NET June 2023 Siddhart.V CSIR NET June 2023 Bivek Kumar Behera CSIR NET JUNE 2023 What Students Say Building Community by Honoring all Traditions. I am very thankful to the whole team of MIM who constantly supported me and guided me due to which, I am able to crack Master Cadre -...
Mrs Gita Kishore and students of MSc Biomedical Science at Nitte University Centre for Science Education & Research (NUCSER), Nitte (Deemed to be University) achieved the 1st and the 6th Rank, respectively in the National level CSIR-UGC NET June 2023 under the category of...
Check the latest NET JRF Syllabus 2023, prescribed by the University Grants Commission. Get a detailed overview of the NET JRF Syllabus for Papers 1 and 2 in this article.