Bansal Academy is your key to success in CSIR NET, GATE, TGT, PGT, Master Cadre, and Lecturer Cadre exams. Our top-notch coaching, experienced instructors, and proven track record ensure you excel in these competitive exams. Join us and pave your way to
Career Endeavour offers UGC-CSIR NET Coaching for Chemical Science, Physical Science, and Life Science. Best CSIR NET Coaching in Delhi
While preparing for the exam you should know the complete syllabus. It helps you to prepare a study plan for CSIR NET life science. For CSIR NET Life Science, you can own 70 marks in Part-B and 100 Marks in Part-C. For B-Section, as per the exam pattern, candidates will have to ...
They are enclosed by a double membrane. They are the sites where most of the cell’s ATP is produced. They are found in animal cells only; plant cells have chloroplasts instead. 2. What would happen to a human red blood cell if it was placed in distilled water?
Mrs Gita Kishore and students of MSc Biomedical Science at Nitte University Centre for Science Education & Research (NUCSER), Nitte (Deemed to be University) achieved the 1st and the 6th Rank, respectively in the National level CSIR-UGC NET June 2023 under the category of...