227(1021) 失而复得 Lost & Found 2010年5月6日 228(1022) 谁是化身博士 Doctor Who 2010年5月13日 229(1023) 血肉线索 Meat Jekyll 2010年5月20日 hs23 高级CSI 13 咋不继续啦? terrtray 移动背景 2 楼主有心人..marklvcsi每集标题,首映时间 彩云之澜 二级CSI 12 这个帖一定要顶。
lost+found statefulset 執行以下命令,刪除名稱為web-1的Pod。 kubectl delete pod web-1 預期輸出: pod "web-1" deleted 執行以下命令,查看/data路徑下的檔案。 kubectl exec web-1 -- ls /data 預期輸出: lost+found statefulset statefulset檔案仍然存在,說明雲端硬碟的資料可持久化...
lost+found statefulset 执行以下命令,删除名称为web-1的Pod。 kubectl delete pod web-1 预期输出: pod "web-1" deleted 执行以下命令,查看/data路径下的文件。 kubectl exec web-1 -- ls /data 预期输出: lost+found statefulset statefulset文件仍然存在,说明云盘的数据可持久化保存。 上一篇:使用Deployment创...
我就消失了 Told me to get lost and... thats what I did. 所以你是说你一路从俄亥俄州过来 是为了带你妹妹回家 So youre saying that you came all the way down here from Ohio to bring our sister back 她叫你离开 于是你就走了? she told you to leave and you left? 我还能怎么做? What ...
【LV】S14E11..When a man is found murdered at an elaborate holiday party complete with real snow and live reindeer
lost+found outfile test.txt Zoals verwacht, kunnen we nog steeds het eerder gemaakte test.txt bestand zien.Volumes klonenEen gekloond volume wordt gedefinieerd als een duplicaat van een bestaand Kubernetes-volume. Zie de conceptuele documentatie voor het klonen van volumes voor meer informat...
In The Arms of the Angel PG-13 Sara/Catherine Together, they found comfort. Fluffy sequel to 'Home'. Complete Thank You PG-13 Sara/Catherine Alive; that was what she made me. Pure and simple; that was what she made us. Life; that was what she made worth living. Love; that was wh...
and laughter as it is by what they say to each other (which really isn't much, at least not on screen). When Catherine leans in and embraces Warrick, kissing him on the cheek, it's a moment radiating lost chances; the two have such fantastic chemistry, and in season five there were...
PV為Lost狀態,無法通過重建PVC綁定 問題現象 PVC和PV建立後,PV處於Lost狀態,且無法與PVC綁定。 問題原因 PV中claimRef引用的PVC名稱不存在,導致PV狀態為Lost。 解決方案 您需要刪除當前PV中的pv.spec.claimRef欄位,然後重新使用靜態卷方式進行綁定。即可將PV變為Bound狀態。 關於如何綁定NAS靜態卷的具體操作,請參...
227 21 "Lost & Found"228 22 "Doctor Who" (Part 1)229 23 "Meat Jekyll" (Part 2)第十一季230 1 "Shock Waves"231 2 "Pool Shark"232 3 "Blood Moon"233 4 "Sqweegel"234 5 "House of Hoarders"235 6 "Cold Blooded"236 7 "Bump and Grind"237 8 "Fracked"238 9 "Wild Life"239 10 ...