体验史上最具互动性的老虎机游戏。现在加入,开赛即享专属金币欢迎礼包! 赌场大赢奖和刺激 CSI 冒险完美整合,快来体验!通过旋转卷盘,调查犯罪现场、审讯犯罪嫌疑人并解开离奇的 CSI 案件。 特色: •一路过关,完成动感十足的 CSI 老虎机冒险,在拉斯维加斯一夜暴富! • 旋转卷轴,审讯犯罪嫌疑人、推进神秘案件的...
The investigators take nothing and turn it into something amazing as each crime is solved right in front of you and you as the viewer, never see it coming! Wow! I hope this is one show CBS will pick up year after year! Utile•110 26 ...
最后会在 bat 指令的文件夹生成 result 文件夹里面保存二进制的图像数据 *.bin 文件;可用 RawViewer 等软件查看图像数据。demo 参数说明:0 0 1920 1080 ./result 1 20000 60 0,分别表示 video0,set_input index0,目标分辨率宽,目标分辨率高,bin 文件保存路径、图像格式(如 NV21,具体含义可以看 demo 代码的...
最后会在 bat 指令的文件夹生成 result 文件夹里面保存二进制的图像数据 *.bin 文件;可用 RawViewer 等软件查看图像数据demo 参数说明:0 0 1920 1080 ./result 1 20000 60 0,分别表示 video0,set_input index0,目标分辨率宽,目标分辨率高,bin 文件保存路径、图像格式(如 NV21,具体含义可以看 demo 代码的 s...
I've installed document-viewer on Plone. When I upoad a document I receive this error: My openoffice installation is in /opt/openoffice4 I'm using docsplit v 0.6.4 how can I solve this? As I've read o... Code is not compiling but seems good to me ...
[New Feature] New Conversion List Viewer [New Feature] 20% higher compression rate for ion mobility raw files [New Feature] New distributed system by deploying multiple AirdPro nodes for multiple task conversion [Stability improvement] Update to the latest tripartite dependency library ...
I've installed document-viewer on Plone. When I upoad a document I receive this error: My openoffice installation is in /opt/openoffice4 I'm using docsplit v 0.6.4 how can I solve this? As I've read o... Code is not compiling but seems good to me ...
Indeed the manual seems to imply that if configured as RAW10, it will place the pixel value in the upper bits of the resulting 16-bit word (needing a right-shift of 6 bits to recover the correct data). The data still look incorrect. The online raw viewer at p...
VIPP 能对将图进行缩小、和打水印处理。VIPP 支持 bayer raw data 经过 ISP 处理后再缩小,也支持对一般的 YUV 格式的 sensor 图像直接缩小。 2.2 相关术语介绍 表 2-1: 软件术语 2.3 驱动框架介绍 图 2-1: 驱动框图 VIN 驱动可以分为 Kernel 层、Video Input Framework、Device Driver 层。
最后会在 bat 指令的文件夹生成 result 文件夹里面保存二进制的图像数据 *.bin 文件;可用 RawViewer 等软件查看图像数据。demo 参数说明:0 0 1920 1080 ./result 1 20000 60 0,分别表示 video0,set_input index0,目标分辨率宽,目标分辨率高,bin 文件保存路径、图像格式(如 NV21,具体含义可以看 demo 代码的...