Windows 10 is the host system. Docker Desktop 3.2.2 (WSL2 integration). WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04. Compile the code three different ways: Everything runs fine. All executables sleep for a second. Now try the ...Create sub-array list from an ArrayList I have an ArrayList such as this one and...
1.线程等待的:ThreadState有多种状态;如果线程停止了,状态会修改; while (thread.ThreadState != System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) //如果线程没有停止; { Thread.Sleep(500); //当前休息500ms 不消耗计算机资源的 } 2.自己支持的线程等待: thread.Join();//等待线程中的内容执行完毕;继续往后; thre...
The ThreadWork() method simply prints a message to the console indicating that the thread has started, sleeps for 1 second using the Thread.Sleep() method, and then prints a message indicating that the thread is exiting.Output: Starting thread 3. Starting thread 4. Exiting thread 3. ...
Thread.Sleep(12000);//Stop方法停止计时stopwatch.Stop();//获取总运行时间stringstrTime =stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();//取毫秒数部分Console.WriteLine(strTime); Console.ReadKey(); } } 运行结果截图: Technorati Tags:以下代码摘录自MSDN,便于以后参考。 下面的示例演示如何使用 Stopwatch 类来确定...
); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } static void WorkerMethod(object state) { // Simulating work in the thread pool worker thread for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Thread pool worker executing..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } } C# Copy The code demonstrates the usage of...
IEnumerable<int> Common() { List<int> intList = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { intList.Add(this.Get(i)); Console.WriteLine("集合这里再来一次"); } return intList; } private int Get(int num) { Thread.Sleep(2000); return num * DateTime.Now.Second; } ...
Thread.Sleep(1000); } public static List<string> ListOfComponentNamesForStoreButton() { var listComponents = new List<string>() { "UnityEngine.RectTransform", "UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer", "UnityEngine.UI.Image", "UnityEngine.UI.Button", "LevelLoader", "UnityEngine.AudioSource" }; ...
for(inti=0;i<10;++i){if(tasks[i].isSuccessful()){logData.append((IScalar)tasks[i].getResults());}else{thrownewException(tasks[i].getErrorMsg());}}System.Console.Out.WriteLine(logData.getString()); Output: [0,0.693147,1.098612,1.386294,1.609438,1.791759,1.94591,2.079442,2.197225,2.302585...
1. 2. 3. F12查看定义: 可以看到,在泛型接口的T前面有一个out关键字修饰,而且T只能是返回值类型,不能作为参数类型,这就是协变。使用了协变以后,左边声明的是基类,右边可以声明基类或者基类的子类。 协变除了可以用在接口上面,也可以用在委托上面: Func<Animal> func = new Func<Cat>(() => null); 1...
Sleep(1); } The Supposed result should be that it pauses for 1 ms between switching from on to off, meaning that it does a cycle(on off) in 2 ms. This theoretically mean that it would give a frequency of 1000/2 per second or 500Hz.But it gives me 100Hz, 100 cycles a second ...