Convert byte array to string using System; public sealed class Strings { public static string FromByteArray(byte[] bs) { char[] cs = new char[bs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < cs.Length; ++i) { cs[i] = Convert.ToChar(bs[i]); } return new string(cs); } } Related...
反过来,byte[]转成string: stringstr=System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(byteArray); 其它编码方式的,如System.Text.UTF8Encoding,System.Text.UnicodeEncoding等;例如: string类型转成ASCII byte[]:("01" 转成 byte[] = new byte[]{ 0x30, 0x31}) byte[]byteArray=System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes...
*/ using System; public class Main{ /// /// converts a byte array to a float array /// /// byte array /// <returns></returns> public static float[] ToFloatArray(Byte[] array) { float[] floats = new float[array.Length / 4]; for (int i = 0; i < floats.Length; i++...
publicstringImageToBase64(Image image, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format) { using(MemoryStream ms =newMemoryStream()) { // Convert Image to byte[] image.Save(ms, format); byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray(); // Convert byte[] to Base64 String stringbase64String = Convert.ToBase6...
the yaml utils Yaml.ByteArrayStringYamlConverter use utf-8 to encoding byte[] to string, but the json serialize utils use the base64 to convert byte[] to string use the sdk to create like V1Secret will cause the encoding bug,because the sdk use the SafeJsonConvert to serialize solution:...
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Double and byte arrays conversion sample."); // Create double to a byte array double d = 12.09; Console.WriteLine("Double value: " + d.ToString()); byte[] bytes = ConvertDoubleToByteArray(d); Console.WriteLine("Byte array...
Unions are internally serialized to two-element arrays.IUnionSample data = new BarClass { OPQ = "FooBar" }; var bin = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(data); // Union is serialized to two-length array, [key, object] // [1,["FooBar"]] Console.WriteLine(MessagePackSerializer.ConvertToJson(...
GetBytes(key);byte[]ivArray=Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(iv);// 待解密的字符串是 base64 编码过的byte[]toDecryptArray=Convert.FromBase64String(DecryptStr);RijndaelManagedrDel=newRijndaelManaged();rDel.Key=keyArray;rDel.IV=ivArray;// CBC 模式需要 IVrDel.Mode=CipherMode.CBC;// 对应 JAVA 的 PKCS...
在枚举声明中添加类型,就可以指定其他基本类型:Enum typeName :underlyingType Value1;Value2; ValueN;枚举的基本类型可以是byte , sbyte , short , ushort , int , uint , long ,ulong.还可以使用一个值作为另一个枚举的基础值 12、。要获得枚举的字符串值,可以使用Convert.ToString(),使用(String)显示转换...
// Convert char array to string char[] chars = new char[10]; chars[0] = 'M'; chars[1] = 'a'; chars[2] = 'h'; chars[3] = 'e'; chars[4] = 's'; chars[5] = 'h'; string charsStr = new string(chars); string charsStr2 = new string(new char[] ...