Today we're shipping the all-new Copenhagen Major Hub, where you can find the Pick'Em Challenge, the Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass, Souvenirs, and (coming soon) Team and Player stickers. 50% of the proceeds from tournament items are shared with players and organizations.今天,我们将推出全新的哥...
Celebrate the Major with the Rio 2022 Viewer Pass, Team Stickers, and Player Autograph Stickers which are all now available for purchase.
文章来自: Major大赛StarLadder柏林2019通行证已正式更新, 注意,本届通行证内容与上届卡托维兹有些不同,包括纪念包兑换次数、挑战任务等,具体请看以下内容:庆祝Major现在可以购买StarLadder柏林201
Viewer Pass With a Viewer Pass, you’ll get a Stockholm 2021 Event Coin, Pick’em challenges to complete, all-you-can-spray team graffiti, flair, and exclusive access to Stockholm 2021 Souvenir Packages. Every time you upgrade your coin, you can redeem a Souvenir Package of the ...
"multi1v1" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "" // localhost works too "database" "game_servers_database" "user" "mymulti1v1server" "pass" "strongpassword" "timeout" "10" "port" "3306" // whatever port MySQL is set up on, 3306 is default } ...
No. Only one Viewer Pass can be activated on a CS:GO account. Additional Viewer Passes can be traded or sold on the Steam Community Market. Can I activate more than one Stockholm 2021 Viewer Pass?No. You can only activate one Stockholm 2021 Viewer Pass on your CS:GO account. How do ...
If you want to ace the round and dominate every enemy you come across, you’re going to need the right tool for the job. CS:GO offers a wide array of sweet guns to choose from, but with so many choices, it’s going to be difficult to choose the right one. So how do you choose...
RushA 伊卡洛斯 10 major通行证介绍看这里www点rushb点net/csgo-viewer-pass点html 7楼2019-07-17 21:51 收起回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
–For a limited time Katowice 2019 Viewer Pass is available at 50% off.–Two days remaining to make all your Champions Stage Pick’Em predictions including grand final winner and get your gold coin.不会联系前后文吗? 你不是在国外生活?? 因为今天50% off了,,哪怕今天才激活硬币,也有机会获得金...
It is well advised that web casts and video recordings are only made available via viewer functionality and not with any downloading possibilities. UN-2 相信 我你 一定 能 驯服 那个 脾气 暴躁的 娘们 Trust me, you'll be able to tame that little Spitfire. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 (笑声)...