See Xyp9x’s config Sensitivity: 1.0 ingame, 800 dpi kkaerbye:18岁 启动参数:-console -freq 144 -tickrate 128 +rate 128000 +cl_interp_ratio 1 +fps_max 299 分辨率:1440x 900 黑边16:10 准心:cl_crosshairsize 2 cl_crosshairgap -2 cl_Crosshairthickness 1 cl_Crosshairstyle 4 cl_Crosshair...
Looking at the chart, we see that many players with large ranks use 400-800 DPI. Monitor resolution and mouse sensitivity Sensitivity (sensation) of the mouse does not change if you changed the resolution of the monitor. After the resolution of the monitor has increased, in the system itself...