The simplest way to convert your CSGO sensitivity to Valorant sensitivity is by using athird-party converter, like the one fromAiming.Pro. This free tool handles all the calculations for you, providing you with the exact sensitivity you need. Here’s how to use the converter from Aiming.Pro:...
The first setting should be a no-brainer; brightness settings should be configured to improve visibility. Some parts of CS:GO’s maps can be difficult to navigate due to low lighting. An enemy could be camping around the corner, and you’d never see them because of how dark it is. Your...
RT ---I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. ---Voltaire 1188 valorant吧 真卓威🐷 无畏契约显示器画面参数设置--卓威Valorant模式各位玩家朋友大家好,随着版号的下发,Valorant国服的脚步也是更近了一步,越来越多的玩家涌入进来,我们也受到...
#csgo #valorant #无畏契约 灵敏度换算网址 - 19🕶️于20230308发布在抖音,已经收获了2.1万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
分享4311 valorant吧 lsidjne 求助csgo转瓦灵敏度怎么调啊csgo是1280x960,dpi800x1,瓦罗兰特灵敏度应该是多少 分享12赞 csgo吧 司马懿 8友们游戏dpi都是多少啊去年接触gogo,一直用的3200*2.18,搜了一下大部分人都是800左右,最近试了一下1600*2都觉得不舒服,又改回原来的灵敏度了 分享20648 csgo吧 Salut💋 ...
Mouse DPI- Sensitivity1.5 eDPI- Windows Sensitivity- Zoom Sensitivity- Raw Input- Acceleration- Crosshair Draw Outline- Alpha- Colorred Blue- Green- Red- Dot- Gap- Sizesmall Style- Thickness- Sniper- Crosshair commands cl_crosshaircolor red; cl_crosshairsize small; ...
, mouse settings (DPI, polling rate, sensitivity), hardware setups (mouse, monitor, keyboard, PC, headset, gaming chair etc.), configs, autoexec files, viewmodel settings, crosshair settings and much more including general info about professional CS:GO players. If you see any incorrect or ...
This map allows players to improve their speed and accuracy. Players can freely adjust the settings of their training to better suit their preferences. Its barebones approach is guaranteed to refine the player’s abilities over time. Come and check out the map. ...
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#csgo #valorant #无畏契约 灵敏度换算网址 00:00 / 03:33 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞2890 Knes11月前不同FPS游戏之间灵敏度的转换方法#cs转瓦 #瓦罗兰特 #无畏契约教学 #灵敏度 00:00 / 00:51 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞2043 比比_Sama(无畏契约)1年前一个视频帮你找到合适...