主观讨论下关于m_m..tl;dr: 如果是手臂流可以用0,手腕流则可以在在1/0之间试试。关于m_mousespeed这个参数控制的是开启或关闭鼠标的加速度,看了一些帖子里面提到“关了之后鼠标会飘”,个人感觉这和windo
m_mousespeed这个参数到底有什么用?对鼠标速度有影响🐎?所以1和0那个好? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-08-27 23:02回复 8kg-Kid 霓虹骑士 12 鼠标加速值吧 没开鼠标加速都一样 来自手机贴吧2楼2019-08-27 23:04 回复 wstgr 红色代号 1 挖坟。开0鼠标会飘很多,点射的时候轻微晃动造成...
m_mousespeed enables or disables Windows acceleration in-game. It is defaulted to 1, enabling it. I've read that forcing it to 0 has no effect; CS:GO seems to force it on, like a number of games do.To force Windows acceleration off, you have to either use a mouse fix (MarkC) or...
前提 我开启了原始数据输入 关了鼠标加速 3楼2016-03-05 21:02 收起回复 FranklinRAWoW 雷击 9 留名,第一次知道这个参数! 来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-03-05 22:28 回复 temanwow 雷击 9 关原始输入去系统加速这个参数是0 5楼2016-03-05 22:29 收起回复 非...
这两个都条到最左面,如果要加速,自己用参数,比如狠人的:m_customaccel "3"m_customaccel_exponent "1.05"m_customaccel_max "0"m_customaccel_scale "0.04"m_forward "1"m_mouseaccel1 "0"m_mouseaccel2 "0"m_mousespeed "1" 4楼2020-11-17 22:48 收起回复 扫...
bind"d""+moveright" bind"e""+reload" bind"f""drop" bind"g""+use" bind"h""+lookatweapon" bind"i""show_loadout_toggle" bind"m""teammenu" bind"q""lastinv" bind"r""lastinv" bind"s""+back" bind"t""+use" bind"u""messagemode2" bind"v""+duck" bind"w""+forward" bind"x...
m_customaccel_max "0" 限制 m_customaccel_scale "0" 系数 6 m_mousespeed "1" 这个参数关闭和打开 完全不一样 关闭以后完全没有加速 很死板 1.6没有 你也只能默认开启 但感觉不到加速 只是更自由不如关闭后严谨 7 全屏和非全屏 也就是带黑边 手感完全不一...
This thread is NOT about mousespeed. (There is already another one for this) I deactivated mouse accel using ("xset m 0 0") and i can confirm by testing that it is really deactivated in my window-manager. It is also deactivated in the CS:GO menu, but ingame there is a very ...
进入贴吧全吧搜索 11月08日漏签0天 csgo吧 关注:2,643,435贴子:50,614,716 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1回复贴,共1页 <返回csgo吧m_mousespeed 1和0的区别 有老玩家知道吗 只看楼主收藏回复 ivan66993 美洲鸵炮 3 如题 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-11-04 16:17回复 ...
bind"d""+moveright" bind"e""+reload" bind"f""drop" bind"g""+use" bind"h""+lookatweapon" bind"i""show_loadout_toggle" bind"m""teammenu" bind"q""lastinv" bind"r""lastinv" bind"s""+back" bind"t""+use" bind"u""messagemode2" bind"v""+duck" bind"w""+forward" bind"x...