This console command fixes the lag issue when connecting to matchmaking servers. Reduce the number for max preferred ping, and lag will be gone If you find yourself unable to find matches, increasing the number will help you find more matches quickly, but you will experience lag How to apply...
Re: Why you will NEVER Fix "Desync/Lag" in CSGO. Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 18 Jan 2023, 14:28 YOu dont need to move to Russla, just install a netem linux packet and delay packets at your router. 100 percent vac/AC safe, and legit. And as a bonus, you can delay the ...
Re: Why you will NEVER Fix "Desync/Lag" in CSGO.Post by joseph_from_pilsen » 22 Jul 2023, 11:41 There is not much to do except blocking distant players. Nothing will help you as the problem is in netcode. Good PC with good mouse feeling, good monitor, tuned settings is needed,... 在5月13日的游戏更新后,CSGO玩家普遍反馈游戏有频繁的卡顿问题,不管是在线还是本地单机都会遇到。 解决方法: 方法一,在5月14日更新,CSGO更新了启动项-nojoy,如果你不是用手柄玩CSGO,请添加-nojoy启动项,站长亲测可以解决昨日更新导致的卡顿。 详细教程:打开S...
I will post it here if they have come up with any solution/fix or at least workaround ( command in launch option does not count, it crashes the game and makes playing even more unplayable). By the way I tried installing the newest driver - 22.10.2 still same I am afraid....
It is not recommended to use this launch option, as it can mess up with the Windows process scheduler and cause some mouse lag issues for some people.这个是说,如果你使用键盘鼠标的时候,FPS 断断续续,或者下降的厉害。跳FPS。解决办法:这可能是因为AC阻止文件不断尝试重新加载到游戏中,从而导致跳FPS...
When press ESC in game to open the settings side bar the lag stop after press ESC again to back to the game the lag and stuttering start again. System: Host: Fedora 36 Kernel: 5.19.1_tkg_pds arch: x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: IceWM v: 2.9.7 Distro: Fedora release 36 (Thirty Six) ...
Turned On VPN-If you don’t know, steam does not support any kind of VPN. The primary reason behind this is that VPN slows down the network connection, increasing the lag in games and providing a bad gaming experience that can affect the users. So make sure you are not using aby VPN...
To fix VAC server connection errors, try repairing Steam. First, make sure Steam is closed. Press theWindows key + Rkeyboard shortcut. Input this command in the Open box:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe" /repair
but most of them will be perfectly safe. Always better to be on the safe side and use the preferred methods, but some performance issues are too specific or troublesome that require other means to fix. We’ll go through a brief list of other possibilities to fix your CSGO lag and problem...