ip: hoursplayed.net:28005CSGO 僵尸暴动 Zombie Riotip: hoursplayed.net:27018CSGO 躲猫猫 Hide and SeekTF2 挂机成就 - Achievement/Idleip: hoursplayed.net:27013TF2 闪避球 - Dodgeballip: hoursplayed.net:27022TF2 滑水 - Surfip: hoursplayed.net:27029I 送TA礼物 1楼2013-10-10 18:30回复 ...
我们人比较少,每局打完都会自动换边,这应该是自动平衡 解决方案:删除/home/csgoserver_1F/csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins/hns_team_balancer.smx文件 天雷地火很是难受啊 找到文件/home/csgoserver_1F/csgo/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.hide_and_seek.cfg 添加sm_hns_events_enable "0" 里面也有很多参数,可以根据自己的...
demirageMAX。根据查询反恐精英官网显示,csgo躲猫前袜猫叫做“HideandSeek”模式,玩家可以通过特殊碰悔猜地图进入躲猫猫模式。笑型00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 能白瓢的csgo -[点击进入>戳我戳我<] csgo-免费roll房包中奖-首充最高送6.88-注册即可抽取--无限抽取-满意为止-极速发货低溢价-开箱代码透明公开...
Multi 1v1 1.1.9 Sets up 2+ players in separate 1v1 arenas, when all the arenas are done fighting, the winners move up an arena and the losers move down an arena AbNeR DeathRun Manager 2.6 Automates Deathrun Server Map configs 1.3 Load mod settings on map change for mods that don't hav...
How to Make a CS:GO Server How to Open Console on CSGO How to Setup RCON for a CS:GO Server How to Use Workshop Maps on a CS:GO Server Scoreboard Not Showing in CS:GO Setup and Play a Hide & Seek CS:GO Server Setup and Play a Surfing CSGO Server CS:GO Launch Options Best CS...
So this can be used to set the server hostname to something you want, set the RCON or serverpassword or set the admins of the server.You can see an example of what I use on my server in the /custom_files_example/ directory, which sets the hostname, server image and admins....
CSGO六子 作者 ... roll房有m4二西和嘣awp和沙鹰印花集+30多吧ak墨岩和awp复古流行[色][色] 2年前·广东 6 分享 回复 晚风皆有你 ... 作者你可以推荐几张色色的图吗? 2年前·广东 80 分享 回复 展开9条回复 藳 ... 怎么开不了门 7月前·马来西亚 ...
如题,在创意工坊下了很多hide and seek地图,但是好友联机进图后发现只能选择ct不能选择t,也就是只能选…
The map’s design can make for a thrilling game of hide and seek, forcing players to remain vigilant and keep a watchful eye. The claustrophobic interior can provide players with a different but equally enjoyable experience. The layout of the map allows players to think outside the box in ...
Today we’ll take an example from the pros and see what they value in their own viewmodels. 1.)Aleksander “S1mple” Kostyliev This viewmodel is pretty simple and uses a common setup for most players. It uses a right-handed model with the gun as far right as possible. It is great fo...