You are done, sv_cheats have been activated and you can use all the hack commands. For more sv_cheats 1 commands, read oursv_cheats 1 guide. Can I get VAC banned for using sv_cheats 1 commands? NO, you canNOTget banned or VAC banned for using the commands in this guide, or sv_c...
The other thing config files are good for is as lists of commands that can be executed with a single line from inside the game. This is very useful for setting up configurations for different sorts of match or specifically for practising against bots with server-side cheats on. The autoexec ...
关闭/显示弹痕:sv_showimpacts 1 关闭/显示投掷物飞行轨迹:sv_grenade_trajectory 1 轨迹点划线:sv_grenade_trajectory_dash 1 轨迹粗度:sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness 1 轨迹保留时间20秒:sv_grenade_trajectory_time 20 获取坐标:getpos 移动至:setpos 坐标 隐藏水面:mat_drawwater 0 关闭水中模糊效果:r_draw...
Cheats in CSGOCounter-Strike Global Offensivework only when sv_cheats is set to the value of 1. Additionally, the console is required to type the code for desired effect. If the console is not showing-up, make sure to enable developer console in CS:S options. CSGO PC Cheats Codes Secrets...
【技术水】论如何在D..大家都知道用控制台打指令来练习手雷但你不觉得每次都打指令很麻烦吗?楼主教你一个简单快捷的方法首先创建一个notepad在里面复制粘贴下面的code:sv_cheats 1; sv_grenade_tr
Once you’re in a server you’ll have to use these commands to see how you’re traveling. sv_cheats true cl_showpos 1 Turning on cheats will allow you to use the show_pos command. Once you’ve typed both of these into your console, you’ll be able to see lots of data on the...