bind toggle ' key ' ' instruction '//只能绑定一条参数为0和1的指令,即按键在0和1之间切换,相比bind指令可以节省密钥。 Bind' key'' incrementvar参数指令最小值和最大值step '//示例:bind 'F12' 'incrementvar 0 2 1 '初始r _ draothermodels 1正常模式,点击改变为r _ drawothermodels 2透视模式,...
alias -sjump”jump; duck" bind V "+sjump" CSGO一键买枪:命格式令 bind "按键" "buy武器" bind "按键""功能如跳跃下蹲"绑定示例: 如果想绑定一把AK,只需要控制台输入bind "F6" "buy ak47"按F6购买AK47 如果我想把跳跃设置成鼠标滚轮向上bind "mwheelup" "+jump" 比如想绑定一次购买多把枪例如购买...
《csgo》跳舞指令是5e_emote,使用方法如下:1、首先进入到游戏界面,如下图所示;2、点击键盘左侧的波浪键,调 csgo无限投掷物指令 1、sv_infinite_ammo 1 无限雷。2、sv_grenade_trajectory 1手雷轨迹。3、sv csgo开箱网站-CS开箱网-咆哮-龙狙-[开箱网站]-送开箱礼金 csgo开箱网站,爆率透明的CS开箱网,高品质饰品...
bind “[key]”“[action]” Rather than run you through all the different possible permutations of this, there’s a number of helpful tools that will customise this section of your autoexec for you.This oneeven has a nice GUI where you click buttons to select which key and gun you want ...
alias -pwaswitchknife lastinv alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack;-attack2" alias -jumpthrow -jump bind mouse4 +jumpthrow mouse5切换左右手: bind mouse5 "toggle cl_righthand 1 0"; f清除血迹: bind f "+lookatweapon;r_cleardecals";
1、打开国服csgo登录器登入游戏,因一些初始文件需要登一次游戏才能生成,完毕后退出。2、然后回到steam文件夹下的userdata找到你的id文件夹进入,730-local-cfg,将config.cfg文件复制出来。3、接下来打开steam目录下,steamapps-common-counter strike gobal off-csgo-cfg,将autoexec.cfg同样复制出来。4、...
alias -pwaswitchknife lastinv// Keyboardbind "SPACE" "+jump"bind "SHIFT" "+duck"bind "CTRL" "drop"bind "ALT" "+strafe"bind "TAB" "+showscores"bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed"bind "`" "toggleconsole"bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"bind "1" "slot1"bind "2" "slot2"bind "3" "slot3"bind ...
cl_autowepswitch "0" // auto weapon switch on pickup cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0" // E ...
alias +pwajump "+jump; +duck"alias -pwajump "-jump; -duck"alias +pwaswitchknife slot3alias -pwaswitchknife lastinv// Keyboardbind "SPACE" "+jump"bind "SHIFT" "+duck"bind "CTRL" "drop"bind "ALT" "+strafe"bind "TAB" "+showscores"bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed"bind "`" "...
bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "use weapon_flashbang" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "noclip" bind "l" "lefthand1" bind "m" "teammenu" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "+lookatweapon" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" "+voicerecord" bind...