5. 显示伤害位置:cl_damagepopup_show_potential 当你对敌人造成伤害时,这个指令可以显示出你的子弹命中点,帮助你纠正瞄准。 6. 音效增益调整:snd_mixahead 通过调整该指令的数值,可以改变音效的延迟时间,使得声音更加清晰,有助于玩家更好地听到敌人的脚步声。 7. 跳跃高度调整:sv_airaccelerate 该指令能够调整玩家...
con_filter_enable "2" // 2 displays filtered text brighter than otcon_filter_text "Damage" // Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.con_filter_text_out "Player:" // Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1...
use weapon_flashbang" 显示伤害 con_filter_text damagecon_filter_text_out Player:con_filter_enable 2developer 1 一键扔刀 bind "o" "say_team !drop" 具体效果拍了视频在b站 1312 csgo吧 雅客Best CS:GO 系统文件与控制台命令 超详解 【超级自定义】\csgo\根目录 文件夹篇 autobuy.txt --- 用于自...
net_graphheight 64"alias -netg "-showscores; net_graphheight 9999"bind TAB +netg 一键扔包 bind H "use weapon_c4; drop"快速扔闪 bind MOUSE5 "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang"显示伤害 con_filter_text damagecon_filter_text_out Player:con_filter_enable 2developer 1 一键扔刀 bind ...
bgm:Lyn - No More What Ifs 地图名: Config Generator ✮ crashz & Misterio crashz' CROSSHAIR GENERATOR V3 Yprac Aim Arena Aim Botz - Training 必威瞄准地图2.0 crashz' Viewmodel Generator)(持枪视角) HomeInvasion (Co-op Strike)(二刺猿) KZ Otaku Room (kz_otakuroom_v3)(二刺猿) 做这类视频的...
youtu.be/dV719sR0bKw?s=idg&k=1602255453746 emperoru CSGO #CSGO #TWITCH #КСГО #ТВИЧ ✍️ Send your CSGO clip and get into the video: https://forms.gle/EY3Ntzv62qjoFspt6 ___ Credits : twitch.tv/niko twitch.tv/superjamppi twitch.tv/99damage twitch.tv/pokanoname twitch....
cs_ShowStateTransitions "-2" // cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions. CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval "3" // Defines how frequently the server notifies clients that a player damaged a friend cursortimeout "60" // Seconds before mouse cursor hides ...
• Increased damage of the UMP45.• Fixed the “quick switch exploit” that allowed players to bypass slow weapon cycle times by switching weapons.• Increased the duration of the AWP deploy animation to 1.25 seconds.• Reduced the strength of the flashbang.• Berettas no longer shift ...
ff_damage_reduction_other x //刀对队友造成的伤害倍数mp_solid_teammates 0/1/2 //0完全关闭队友碰撞,1完全开启队友碰撞,2只关闭队友水平碰撞(可以穿过身体,也可以踩在头上)(注:休闲模式下mp_friendlyfire 1后仍然没有友伤的原因就是该模式下四个ff_指令参数均被设置为0)//爆头模式mp_damage_headshot_only...
Mp_solid_teammates 0/1/2 //0完全关闭队友碰撞,1完全开启队友碰撞,2仅关闭队友水平碰撞(可以从身上走过,也可以踩在头上) (注:休闲模式下mp_friendlyfire 1后仍然没有朋友受伤的原因是该模式下ff_ command的四个参数都设置为0) //头像模式 MP _ damage _ head shot _ only 0/1//Off/On只能拍头部。