Open up theAiming.Pro converterin your browser and change the “Convert from” tab toCSGO/CS2and the “Convert to” tab toValorant. Select the two games Next, type in yourCSGO sensitivityin the first tab. Enter your CSGO sens As soon as you enter your sensitivity, the tab right next to...
Hello everyone, Im trying to convert my sens from csgo to Super People but there are a lot of things i dont understand, im shiit at informatic skills and everything haha... So basically my sens is 1.5 on csgo , dpi 800 and playing 4:3 stretched 1280x1024
由Zemroid 2014年9月2日 在Feedback, suggestions and bugs 粉絲 6 Zemroid Members 6 發表於 2014年9月2日 The converter uses 90 as default FOV and in the notes it says that you have to use the fov_cs_debug in the FOV field to get correct calculations. This is wrong however. You ...