1、cl_crosshairalpha"200"cl_crosshaircolor"1"准星颜色; 2、cl_crosshaircolor_b"50"准星颜色; 3、cl_crosshaircolor_g"250"准星颜色; 4、cl_crosshaircolor_r"50"准星颜色; 5、1cl_crosshairsize这个参数是用来设置准星的大小。 CSGO术语: 1、K/DRatio:K代表Kill,D代表Death,K/DRatio=击杀数/死亡数。...
设置最好参数如下:1、cl_crosshaircolor_r"50"准星颜色。2、cl_crosshaircolor_b"50"准星颜色。3、cl_crosshairalpha"200"cl_crosshaircolor"1"准星颜色。4、cl_crosshaircolor_g"250"准星颜色。5、1cl_crosshairsize这个参数是用来设置准星的大小。CSGO术语 1、K/DRatio K代表Kill,D代表De...
Open the console 2. Type find cl_crosshair 3. Alter your crosshair settings manually by entering cl_crosshairsize 4 - for example How to Create your Perfect CSGO Crosshair? In the words above we have described how you can make a new CS: GO crosshair, alter the size, color, and every...
2. Aim Botz - Training Aim Botz is truly the best place to practice the fundamentals of flicking, crosshair placement, and mouse movement. The map has a large area with access to the aim area, along with the ability to close off walls to make smaller space, and comes with a timed chal...
If you are looking for the lowdown on what a CSGO Crosshair is and the best CSGO crosshairs out there… Latest CS:GO News Valve Introduces Game-Changing Update to CS2 Player Autograph Stickers Ahead of Copenhagen Major Valve Corporation has announced a significant change to CS:GO player autogra...
If you are looking for the lowdown on what a CSGO Crosshair is and the best CSGO crosshairs out there… Latest CS:GO News Valve Introduces Game-Changing Update to CS2 Player Autograph Stickers Ahead of Copenhagen Major Valve Corporation has announced a significant change to CS:GO player autogra...
RCS Reset Option – Your crosshair will return to its starting point after spraying Buy Static-Ware Now Skin Changer The Skin Changer is a fairly simple feature. You can attach any skin in the game to any gun in the game. Want an AUG Fire Serpent? How about a Glock-18 Dragon Lore?
下面我就分享下创意工坊的可 249 sakula吧 D调做帅哥 设置自己的Config,创意工坊地图推荐:Config Generator给大家推荐由著名准星设置地图(CROSSHAIR GENERATOR V2)作者crashz与MisterIO制作的新地图:Config Generator,方便玩家设置自己的Config文件。 Config Generator能够让玩家在地图中以互动形式,更直观的设置Config参数,...
首先是大家最常用的一键跳投 bind"t""+jump;-attack;-jump" (t可以换成任何你想绑定的键子) 枪口抖动消除指令 viewmodel_recoil 0 准星调整类指令 cl_crosshaircolor 0~5颜色 cl_crosshairthinkness 准星粗细 cl_crosshairsize 准星长短 cl_crosshairdot 0/1 准星中间不加/加个点 cl_crosshairalpha 准星透明度 ...
我们有一整篇文章[https://prosettings.net/blog/best-csgo-crosshair/]专用于CS:GO的十字准线,您可以查看,但如果您想获得基于所有专业人员使用的平均值的十字准线,您可以始终使用此: CSGO-noVpo-yVxWJ-5LKnW-NPScs-K5nQD 你可以在他们的玩家页面上找到我们分析过的职业选手的十字准线设置(如果这些设置可用的话...