As the Coulter includes white blood cells (WBCs) in the red-blood-cell (RBC) count, my question concerns the potential for a false elevation of the fluid RBC count due to the inc...
Specificities and sensitivities of correction factors ranged from 71.7% to 29.2% and 84.3% to 97.8%, respectively; 1 WBC:500 RBC had highest specificity for pleocytosis, while 1 WBC:1500 RBC had highest sensitivity. Irrespective of correction factor used, false-positive and false-negative ...
Over-correction of CSF WBC is likely to occur in traumatic LP and is not explained by DEL. Determination of percent fresh RBC in CSF is not helpful in interpretation of traumatic LP in suspected M. Mathematical models to correct CSF WBC for trauma are not clinically useful and should not ...