CSE-CIC-IDS2017/2018 on AWS数据集是通信安全机构(CSE)与加拿大网络安全研究所(CIC)之间的协作项目,它以基于创建用户概要文件来生成用于入侵检测的多样且全面的基准数据集,该概要文件包含网络上看到的事件和行为的抽象表示,而配置文件将被组合以生成一组不同的数据集,每个数据集都具有一组独特的功能,这些功能能够覆...
数据集包括每个机器的捕获网络流量和系统日志,以及使用CICFlowMeter-V3从捕获的流量中提取的80个特征。 1. 介绍 在CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset中,我们使用profile的概念以系统的方式生成数据集,其中将包含应用程序、协议或较低层网络实体的入侵详细描述和抽象分布模型。代理或人工操作员可以使用这些概要文件生成网络上的事件...
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 contains about 16,000,000 instances collected over the course of ten days. It is the most recent intrusion detection dataset that is big data, publicly available, and covers a wide range of attack types. This multi-class dataset has a class imbalance, with roughly 17% of ...
NF-CSE-CIC-IDS2018-v2_cv-全量 8 NF-CSE-CIC-IDS2018-v2_cv 全量预处理生成。由源文件(https://rdm.uq.edu.au/files/ce5161d0-ef9c-11ed-827d-e762de186848)预处理生成。数据包括:n_features, e_features, edge_index,edge_label, tvt, label2idx,edge_ids,node_label...
Benchmarking bioinspired machine learning algorithms with CSE-CIC-IDS2018 network intrusions dataset The exponential growth in computer networks and network applications worldwide has been matched by a surge in cyberattacks. For this reason, datasets such ... P Ferreira,M Antunes - Portuguese Conferenc...
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 加拿大入侵检测数据集 Thursday数据 安全技术 - 网络安全Do**se 上传137.42MB 文件格式 7z CSE-CIC-IDS2018 加拿大入侵检测数据集 Thursday数据 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Huawei S9300-V200R022C00SPC500-SRUHD ...
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 加拿大入侵检测数据集 Friday数据 安全技术 - 网络安全 Do**se上传152.96MB文件格式7z CSE-CIC-IDS2018 加拿大入侵检测数据集 Friday数据 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分
Performance analysis of flow-based attacks detection on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset using deep learningThe emergence of the Internet of Things (IOT) as a result of the development of the communications system has made the study of cyber security more important. Day after day, attacks evolve and ...
INTRUSION detection systems (Computer security)This article examines intrusion detection systems in depth using the CSE-CIC-IDS-2018 dataset. The investigation is divided into three stages: to begin, data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, and data normalization procedures (min...
Optimized Deep Learning with Binary PSO for Intrusion Detection on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 DatasetFarhan, Rawaa IsmaelMaolood, Abeer TariqHassan, Nidaa FlaihJournal of Qadisiyah Computer Science & Mathematics