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One radio-frequency recognition system and a kind of method, the covering that radio-frequency information for obtaining every region is arranged to control antenna is not overlapped or prevents region eletromagnetic to protect, and independently accurately identifies the position of object to distinguish...
目的探讨Ehlers-Danlos综合征(EDS)消化系统受累患者的临床和遗传学特征.方法通过电子病案收集北京协和医院2003年1月至2023年9月有消化系统受累的EDS患者资料,于PubMed,Embase,Web of Science,the Cocharane Library数据库检索2000年1月至2023年9月发表的有消化道受累的EDS病例,一并进行系统回顾和分析.结果本中心5例...
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Return Value Returns the character read. To indicate a read error or end-of-file condition, getc returns EOF, and getwc returns WEOF. For getc, use ferror or feof to check for an error or for end of file. If stream is NULL, getc and getwc invoke the invalid parameter handler, as ...
1. IntroductionThe d&b NWareTM Plug-in allows the control and monitoring of a number of functions of the d&b 4 channel amplifiers (10D, 30D, D20 or D80) fr... QS Guide 被引量: 0发表: 0年 NWare Goes Mobile The new Peavey~? MediaMatrix~? NWare? Mobile application is a customizable...
Ce~(3+) doping of Y_2O_2S:Er~(3+) can be used to suppress the visible anti-Stokes luminescence of the phosphor under excitation in the range 0.90-0.98 μm. We take advantage of this effect to create a new, efficient "invisible" IR phosphor emitting in the range 1.5-1.6 μm. ...