These 50 questions will be completely different from our first full CSCS mock test, so if you’ve already completed that test, you won’t have to answer the same questions again. Why not check out some of our other CSCS card practice questions such as our test for CSCS Test for operative...
Before sitting your CSCS test it is very important that you study for it, only applicants thatpass the testwill be granted their card. It is also very good practice to take as many mock exams as you can, we have a load to help you practice, so take as manyCSCS Mock Test questionsas...
You can also find lots of different tests that you need to study on the CSCS website, where they will also have a CSCS card mock test available for you. What is a CSCS card? A CSCS card is a card that provides proof that a person can work on a construction site, have the correct...