cscp题库CSCPModule2(1)1. The correct answer is A. While protecting all items is obviously important, the most cost-effective approach may be to spend relatively more resources on A items than on the less valuable, but larger, percentage of inventory. Which of the following statements best ...
CSCP模拟题库1300题试卷02.doc,CSCP 模拟题库 1300题 试卷 02 You answered the following questions incorrectly. Q:1 The effectiveness of the CRM strategy must be ___ to ensure that the strategy is having the desired effects of establishing lifetime custom
cscp题库CSCPModule3(1)1.The correct answer isD. CTMs can deliver all of these benefits by aligning transportation needs with transportation assets to eliminate inefficiencies, such as wait time, half-filled loads, or empty backhauls ("deadheading").. Which of the following is a benefit of ...
You answered: B. Other partners respond to variability The correct answer was: A. Other partners lack visibility Explanation: The other partners lack visibility. Q:1 One of the main supply chain principles promoted by APICS is: You answered: E. They see everything that is going on with the...
cscp book2 热度: 103.ThecorrectanswerisD. JITreduceslotsizestobringdowninventoryaccumulationandthecostsofholdingandhandlinginventory.However,smallerlotsizesrequiremorefrequentorders,andthatmeansmoresetups.Asaconsequence,JITparticipantsneedtofindwaystoreducesetuptime. ...
cscp题库CSCPModule1(2)The correct answer isD. Consolidators specialize in filling trucks for backhaul journeys from import destinations to port when the importer provides no goods for carriage. The consolidator may have to consolidate small shipments from a number of exporters to fill the carriers....
CSCP 模拟题库 1300题 试卷 12 热度: Youansweredthefollowingquestionsincorrectly. Q:1Theprocessoffocusingonreducinginventoriestozerosothatproductsalwaysappearwhentheyareneededandnot beforeiscalledwhichofthefollowing? Youanswered:A.JIT Thecorrectanswerwas:A.JIT ...
题 库 祝考试顺利 CSCP You answered the following questions incorrectly. Q:1 What is the first requirement when building a demand-driven enterprise? You answered: D. Responding to variability The correct answer was: A. Replace the forecasts with real data Explanation: The first requirement is to...
最新CSCP模拟题库1300题试卷(1) 考试题库 1 祝考试顺利 CSCP 模拟题库 1300 题试卷 05 You answered the following questions incorrectly. 2 Q:1 What is the first requirement when building a demand-driven enterprise? You answered: D. Responding to variability The correct answer was: A. Replace ...
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