这个说说实话还是比较难申请到的,我们之前有个学生还是很优秀的,有帝国理工和UCL 的OFFER,申请了UCL 这个CSC JOINT SCHOLARSHIP,写的材料也不错,但是还是没有拿到。 学校给的太少了。
§ Marine Scholarship applicants also need to submit an Application for joint training with relevant institutions. The applicant needs to submit the application in Chinese or English if he/she needs joint training.Step 5: Submit your documents...
I just checked the official website of the China Scholarship Council (CSC), and several things need you to provide as follows: 1.Invitation letter. 2.Language proof. (I must clarify that since my IELTS score is overdue, I need your language proof to prove my language ability.) ...
单位推荐态度:10% 在评审过程中,专家们会根据表格中的各项数据进行评分,例如,同学们所在的国内学院是...
1、关于“联合培养博士生”的译法,个人渠道译为visiting phd student比较合适,而合作渠道翻译为joint phd student更准确(我一开始用joint phd student,被严谨的外导纠正了)。 2、邮件中尽可能将一些重点内容加粗,比如:研究方向、留学时长等。 3、段落之间要空行,提高可读性。
applications for 4-6 visiting joint-PhD positions under the China Scholarship Council (CSC) program...
自己背景不错 导师也不错的话 不难申请