5/6/2011 Cardiac Surgery (CSC) Subspecialty Study Pearls Cheryl Herrmann, APN, CCRN, CCNS-CSC-CMC Suzanna Garner, RN, BSN, CCRN-CSC Methodist Medical Center of Illinois, Peoria www.cherylherrmann.com cherrmann@frontier.com www.aacn.org CSC Exam Blueprint Download from www.aacn.org Patient...
(extension and marking) Special Exam ApplicationExtensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supportedby a doctors certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances this will be at the unit assessors discretion andwill be considered ...
GradingThe grade breakdown will be as follows: 5-6 Homeworks 45% Midterm 25% Final Exam 30% The grading scale will be determined by a curve. The cutoffs will be no higher than the following: 90-100, A; 80-89.99, B; 70-79.99, C; 60-69.99, D; 0-59.99, F. Plusses and minuses...
{ Your implementation must handle when P*X/C is not evenly divisible. For ex-ample if P = 3 and X = 5 and C = 2 then P*X/C is 15/2 which is 7.5. This means one producer thread and one consumer thread will produce and consume 1 extra item then the other thread. { Each cons...