BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited Custodian The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Dublin Branch Bloomberg Ticker CSBGU0 SW Portfolio Characteristics Number of Holdings as of 19-Nov-2024 12 Benchmark Ticker IDCOT7 3y Beta as of 31-Oct-2024 ...
Briefly, reads were prefiltered by alignment to the human ribosomal repeating subunit (GenBank U13369.1) and human mitochondrial genome (chrM) from the hg38 reference genome using bowtie2 (Version The remaining reads were mapped to the hg38 reference genome using STAR (Version 2.7....
sativa Os4BGlu12 (Protein Data Bank code 3ptk) as template. The stereochemical analysis of the modeled protein was done using the Ramachandran plot obtained from RAMPAGE. Docking analysis was carried out on CsBGlu12 protein using DockingServer as described previously (55, 58, 59). Heterologous ...
BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited Custodian The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV, Dublin Branch Bloomberg Ticker CSBGU3 SW Portfolio Characteristics Number of Holdings as of 19-Nov-2024 89 Benchmark Ticker IDCOT1 3y Beta as of 31-Oct-2024 ...